MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  0@.rsrc @@P0H  I8~Ph 0@XJ\` &2'n'X'(MUI+F.1d[^ -re9epo&? MUI zh-CN&The specified command was carried out.Undefined external error.?A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system.The driver was not enabled.SThe specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try again.'The specified device handle is invalid.,There is no driver installed on your system.There is not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try again.}This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine which functions and messages the driver supports.@An error number was specified that is not defined in the system.0An invalid flag was passed to a system function.5An invalid parameter was passed to a system function.AHandle being used simultaneously on another thread (eg callback).%Specified alias not found in WIN.INI.!The registry database is corrupt.)The specified registry key was not found.PA6The registry could not be opened or could not be read.%The registry could not be written to.0The specified registry key could not be deleted.4The specified registry key value could not be found.2The driver did not generate a valid OPEN callback.PAThe specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the Capabilities function to determine the supported formats.Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the device, or wait until the data is finished playing.fThe wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the header, and then try again.`Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, and then try again.fThe MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the header, and then try again.Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the device, or wait until the data is finished playing.uA MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing.kThe port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been transmitted, and then try again.~The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup.{The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again.jA MIDI call was made which is invalid with the current open mode. Reopen the device with the correct mode.3Driver condition - do not callback this input eventPApcmmapperPA'Unknown error returned from MCI commandPAMicrosoft PC-joystick driver00(PPPpStart Stop Information ,Enter waveOutOpen ,Exit waveOutOpen ,Enter waveInOpen (Exit waveInOpen 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo080404B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporationl"FileDescriptionBase Multimedia Extension API DLLr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)<InternalNamewinmmbase.dll.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.LOriginalFilenameWINMMbase.DLL.MUIj%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$TranslationPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADD