MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  Rp@P.rsrc`R@@0H H`x^ 8 P h   (@Xp0H` x#$%&'() *8+P,h-./01234(5@6X7p89:;<= > ?0 @H A` Bx C D E F G H I J8 KP Lh M N O P Q R S T( U@ VX Wp X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _0 ~H ` x           0 @ P ` p          0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p"`#v8 F&I>KNQv\T|VXl[!H}̀ dX X@ @`^ < z   ,<P@DFTct\y (l \D& lpx,2`z2 *"DB PIA free-form string describing the probable cause of the error.OA free-form string describing recommended actions to take to resolve the error.The identifying information of the entity (i.e., the instance) generating the error. If this entity is modeled in the CIM Schema, this property contains the path of the instance encoded as a string parameter. If not modeled, the property contains some identifying string that names the entity that generated the error. The path or identifying string is formatted per the ErrorSourceFormat property.The format of the ErrorSource property is interpretable based on the value of this property. Values are defined as: 0 - Unknown. The format is unknown or not meaningfully interpretable by a CIM client application. 1 - Other. The format is defined by the value of the OtherErrorSourceFormat property.2 - CIMObjectPath. A CIM Object Path as defined in the CIM Infrastructure specification. Note: CIM 2.5 and earlier used the term object names. CIMObjectPathA string defining "Other" values for ErrorSourceFormat. This value MUST be set to a non NULL value when ErrorSourceFormat is set to a value of 1 ("Other"). For all other values of ErrorSourceFormat, the value of this string must be set to NULL.X The CIM status code that characterizes this instance. This property defines the status codes that MAY be return by a conforming CIM Server or Listener. Note that not all status codes are valid for each operation. The specification for each operation SHOULD define the status codes that may be returned by that operation. The following values for CIM status code are defined: 1 - CIM_ERR_FAILED. A general error occurred that is not covered by a more specific error code. 2 - CIM_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED. Access to a CIM resource was not available to the client. 3 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_NAMESPACE. The target namespace does not exist. 4 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER. One or more parameter values passed to the method were invalid. 5 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_CLASS. The specified Class does not exist. 6 - CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND. The requested object could not be found. 7 - CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED. The requested operation is not supported. 8 - CIM_ERR_CLASS_HAS_CHILDREN. Operation cannot be carried out on this class since it has instances. 9 - CIM_ERR_CLASS_HAS_INSTANCES. Operation cannot be carried out on this class since it has instances. 10 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_SUPERCLASS. Operation cannot be carried out since the specified superclass does not exist. 11 - CIM_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS. Operation cannot be carried out because an object already exists. 12 - CIM_ERR_NO_SUCH_PROPERTY. The specified Property does not exist. 13 - CIM_ERR_TYPE_MISMATCH. The value supplied is incompatible with the type. 14 - CIM_ERR_QUERY_LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED. The query language is not recognized or supported. 15 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_QUERY. The query is not valid for the specified query language. 16 - CIM_ERR_METHOD_NOT_AVAILABLE. The extrinsic Method could not be executed. 17 - CIM_ERR_METHOD_NOT_FOUND. The specified extrinsic Method does not exist. 18 - CIM_ERR_UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE. The returned response to the asynchronous operation was not expected. 19 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE_DESTINATION. The specified destination for the asynchronous response is not valid. 20 - CIM_ERR_NAMESPACE_NOT_EMPTY. The specified Namespace is not empty. 21 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_ENUMERATION_CONTEXT. The enumeration context supplied is not valid. 22 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION_TIMEOUT. The specified Namespace is not empty. 23 - CIM_ERR_PULL_HAS_BEEN_ABANDONED. The specified Namespace is not empty. 24 - CIM_ERR_PULL_CANNOT_BE_ABANDONED. The attempt to abandon a pull operation has failed. 25 - CIM_ERR_FILTERED_ENUMERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED. Filtered Enumeratrions are not supported. 26 - CIM_ERR_CONTINUATION_ON_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED. Continue on error is not supported. 27 - CIM_ERR_SERVER_LIMITS_EXCEEDED. The WBEM Server limits have been exceeded (e.g. memory, connections, ...). 28 - CIM_ERR_SERVER_IS_SHUTTING_DOWN. The WBEM Server is shutting down. 29 - CIM_ERR_QUERY_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED. The specified Query Feature is not supported.CIM_ERR_FAILEDCIM_ERR_ACCESS_DENIEDCIM_ERR_INVALID_NAMESPACECIM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERCIM_ERR_INVALID_CLASSCIM_ERR_NOT_FOUNDCIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTEDCIM_ERR_CLASS_HAS_CHILDRENCIM_ERR_CLASS_HAS_INSTANCESCIM_ERR_INVALID_SUPERCLASSCIM_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTSCIM_ERR_NO_SUCH_PROPERTYCIM_ERR_TYPE_MISMATCH$CIM_ERR_QUERY_LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPPORTEDCIM_ERR_INVALID_QUERYCIM_ERR_METHOD_NOT_AVAILABLECIM_ERR_METHOD_NOT_FOUNDCIM_ERR_UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE$CIM_ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE_DESTINATIONCIM_ERR_NAMESPACE_NOT_EMPTY#CIM_ERR_INVALID_ENUMERATION_CONTEXT!CIM_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION_TIMEOUTCIM_ERR_PULL_HAS_BEEN_ABANDONED CIM_ERR_PULL_CANNOT_BE_ABANDONED*CIM_ERR_FILTERED_ENUMERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED+CIM_ERR_CONTINUATION_ON_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTEDCIM_ERR_SERVER_LIMITS_EXCEEDEDCIM_ERR_SERVER_IS_SHUTTING_DOWN#CIM_ERR_QUERY_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTEDA free-form string containing a human-readable description of CIMStatusCode. This description MAY extend, but MUST be consistent with, the definition of CIMStatusCode.2.22.1CIM_Error is a specialized class that contains information about the severity, cause, recommended actions and other data related to the failure of a CIM Operation. Instances of this type MAY be included as part of the response to a CIM Operation.HProvides extra status information about an extrinsic method's invocation+A system defined name for this storage job.UThe Description property provides a textual description of the storage job operation.mThe time interval that the job has been executing or the total execution time if the storage job is complete.If the operation that this storage job was tracking has failed, the provider will set this with an error code defined by the method that invoked the operation. If this job tracked a background task, the error code can be set to any valid Storage Management error code as defined in the value map below. If there was no error, this property must be set to 0 - 'Success'. This property should be NULL until the operation has completed.>A free-form string that contains the vendor error description.PA/The current execution state of the storage job.NewStartingRunning Suspended Shutting Down Completed TerminatedKilled ExceptionService Query PendingMicrosoft ReservedVendor ReservedA free-form string that represents the status of the job. The primary status is reflected in the inherited OperationalStatus property. JobStatus provides additional, implementation-specific details.This property indicates whether the times represented in the StartTime, TimeOfLastStateChange, and TimeSubmitted properties represent local times or UTC times. Time values are synchronized worldwide by using the enumeration value 2 - 'UTC Time'.PA Local TimeUTC Time.Indicates the current statuses of the element.OKDegradedStressedPredictive FailureErrorNon-Recoverable ErrorStoppingStopped In Service No ContactLost CommunicationAbortedDormantPASupporting Entity in Error Power Mode Relocating<Strings describing the various OperationalStatus array values. For example, if "Stopping" is the value assigned to OperationalStatus, this property may contain an explanation as to why an object is being stopped. Note that entries in this array are correlated with those at the same array index in OperationalStatus.VThe percentage of the job that has completed at the time that this value is requested.Percent+The time that the job was actually started.The amount of time that the Job is retained after it has finished executing, regardless of whether it failed during execution. The job must remain in existence for some period of time regardless of the value of the DeleteOnCompletion property. The date or time when the state of the job last changed. If the state of the job has not changed and this property is populated, it must be set to a 0 interval value. If a state change was requested, but was rejected or not yet processed, the property must not be updated.The time that the job was submitted to execute. A value of all zeroes indicates that the owning element is not capable of reporting a date and time.SIf TRUE, the storage job will be automatically deleted after a short time interval.If TRUE, this storage job represents an automated background task initiated by the storage subsystem. For all user / management initiated operations, this value should be set to FALSE.Describes the recovery action to be taken for an unsuccessfully run job. The possible values are: 0 - 'Unknown' meaning it is unknown as to what recovery action to take 1 - 'Other' indicating that the recovery action will be specified in the OtherRecoveryAction property 2 - 'Do Not Continue' meaning stop the execution of the job and appropriately update its status 3 - 'Continue With Next Job' meaning continue with the next job in the queue 4 - 'Re-run Job' indicating that the job should be re-run Do Not ContinueContinue With Next Job Re-run JobPADenotes a vendor-specific recovery action to be taken for an unsuccessfully run job. This value should only be set if RecoveryAction is set to 1 - 'Other'.Requests that the state of the job be changed to the value specified in the RequestedState parameter. Invoking the RequestStateChange method multiple times could result in earlier requests being overwritten or lost.Success Not SupportedUnspecified ErrorFailedInvalid ParameterState transition startedInvalid state transition Access denied9There are not enough resources to complete the operation.'Cannot connect to the storage provider.=The storage provider cannot connect to the storage subsystem.RequestStateChange changes the state of a job. The possible values are as follows: 2 - 'Start' changes the state to 'Running'. 3 - 'Suspend' stops the job temporarily. The intention is to subsequently restart the job with a second call to RequestStateChange requesting 1 - 'Start'. It might be possible to enter the 'Service' state while suspended. (This is job-specific.) 4 - 'Terminate' stops the job cleanly, saving data, preserving the state, and shutting down all underlying processes in an orderly manner. 5 - 'Kill' terminates the job immediately with no requirement to save data or preserve the state. 6 - 'Service' puts the job into a vendor-specific service state. It might be possible to restart the job.StartSuspend TerminateKillNThis method retrieves the extended status information for an unsuccessful job.Storage jobs represent long running operations on a storage subsystem. These operations can either be user-initiated through the various management interfaces defined by this MOF, or automatically by intelligent storage subsystems.QDeviceId is an address or other identifier that uniquely names the physical disk.FriendlyName is a user-friendly name of the physical disk. The initial value should be set by the storage provider or subsystem, and can be modified by the user at any point in the object's lifetime. This field describes the intended usage of this physical disk within a concrete pool. Storage pools are required to follow the assigned policy for a physical disk. 1 - 'Auto-Select': This physical disk should only be used for data storage. 2 - 'Manual-Select': This physical disk should only be used if manually selected by an administrator at the time of virtual disk creation. A manual-select disk is selected using the PhysicalDisksToUse parameter to CreateVirtualDisk. 3 - 'Hot Spare': This physical disk should be used as a hot spare. 4 - 'Retired': This physical disk should be retired from use. At a minimum, no new allocations should go to this disk. If the virtual disks that reside on this disk are repaired, the data should be moved to another active physical disk. Auto-Select Manual-Select Hot SpareRetiredJournal@This field describes the supported usages of this physical disk.0A user settable description of the physical diskThis field represents the name of the company responsible for the hardware backing the physical disk. This manufacturer information must match what is reported by the disk's SCSI inquiry data.This field represents the model number of the physical disk hardware. This information must match what is reported by the disk's SCSI inquiry data.This field is a string representation of the physical disk's serial number. This information must match what is reported by the disk's SCSI inquiry data.PThis field is a string representation of the physical disk's part number or SKU.NThis field is a string representation of the physical disk's firmware version.NThis field is a string representation of the physical disk's software version.3Denotes the operational status of the PhysicalDisk. Failed MediaSplitStale MetadataIO ErrorUnrecognized MetadataHealthyWarning Unhealthy>Indicates the total physical storage size of the disk in bytesBytesThis field indicates the sum of used space on this physical disk. This should include usage from all storage pools and other data stored on the disk.PASCSIATAPIATA1394SSA Fibre ChannelUSBRAIDiSCSISASSATASDMMCVirtualFile Backed VirtualStorage SpacesThis field indicates the physical sector size of the physical disk in bytes. For example: for 4K native and 512 emulated disks, the value should be 4096.This field indicates the logical sector size of the physical disk in bytes. For example: a 4K native disk should report 4096, while a 512 emulated disk should report 512.RPM~Indicates whether the physical disk's identification LEDs are active or not. This is typically used in maintenance operations.NThis field is a free-form string indicating where the disk physically resides.CIndicates the enclosure number in which the disk physically residesHIndicates the enclosure slot number in which the disk physically residesKIndicates whether this physical disk can be added to a concrete pool or notNIndicates the reason why this physical disk cannot be added to a concrete pool In a Pool Not HealthyRemovable MediaIn Use by ClusterOfflineInsufficient Capacity Spare DiskReserved by subsystemIf CannotPoolReason contains 1 - 'Other', this field contains the string representing the vendor defined reason why this physical disk cannot be added to a concrete pool. This property must be NULL if CannotPoolReason does not contain 1 - 'Other'. Media type of this physical diskHDDSSDUThis method allows a user to perform certain maintenance tasks on the physical disk. nThe storage pool could not complete the operation because its health or operational status does not permit it.YThe storage pool could not complete the operation because its configuration is read-only.If set to TRUE, this instructs the physical disk to enable its indication LED. The indication LED should remain enabled until a second call to Maintenance is made with this parameter specified as FALSE.jExtendedStatus allows the storage provider to return extended (implementation specific) error information..This method resets the health and operational status of the physical disk. Exact behavior of this method is dependent on whether this physical disk belongs to a concrete pool. If it is a member of a concrete pool, the health and operational statuses should be reset to 1 - 'Healthy', and 1 - 'OK', respectively. If any additional errors are detected after Reset, the health and operational statuses should reflect these new errors. If the physical disk is not a member of a concrete pool, then this method should not only reset the health and operational statuses, but it should return the disk into a state where it is usable as storage for a concrete pool. For example: If a physical disk had become missing and then has reappeared (after it has been replaced) this physical disk is expected to be in the primordial pool only with an operational status indicating its data is either split or unrecognized. Calling Reset should clear the physical disk of any data, remove any remaining ties to its former concrete pool, and return the disk to a healthy, usable state.3This method allows the physical disk to be renamed.AThis method allows the physical disk's description to be changed.;This method allows the physical disk's usage to be updated.@This method allows the physical disk's attributes to be updated.PAA subsystem drive or spindle.Media type of this storage tier Unspecified/A user settable description of the storage tierfThis parameter controls the asynchronous behavior the method will follow. If TRUE, this method will make use of the CreatedStorageJob out parameter when the request is taking a long time to service. If a storage job has been created to track the operation, this method will return 4096 - 'Method Parameters Checked - Job Started'. Note, even if RunAsJob is TRUE, the method can still return a result if it has finished in sufficient time. If FALSE or NULL, this method will follow default WMI asynchronous behavior as determined by the client's method for invocation (i.e. synchronous unless requested otherwise).If RunAsJob is set to TRUE and this method takes a while to execute, this parameter returns a reference to the storage job used to track the long running operation.Not enough available capacity2This method allows the storage tier to be renamed.This method allows the user to update or set various attributes on the storage tier. Note that not all parameters must be specified, and only those given will be updated.@This method allows the storage tier's description to be changed.This method returns the supported sizes for a new storage tier. These sizes can either be returned in an array of all supported sizes, through a min, max, and divisor, or both.Cache out of dateZThis parameter denotes the minimum supported size that a tier created in this pool can be.ZThis parameter denotes the maximum supported size that a tier created in this pool can be.This parameter indicates the interval in which the supported sizes increment. For example: If the minimum supported size is 10 GB, and this parameter is 2 GB, then the supported sizes for this pool would be 10 GB, 12 GB, 14 GB, etc. until the maximum supported size is reached.A storage tier.xName is a semi-unique (scoped to the owning storage subsystem), human-readable string used to identify the virtual disk. VPD83NAA6 VPD83NAA5 VPD83Type2 VPD83Type1 VPD83Type0SNVMNodeWWNNAAEUI64T10VIDUniqueIdFormat indicates the type of identifier used in the UniqueId field. The identifier used in UniqueId must be the highest available identifier using the following order of preference: 8 (highest), 3, 2, 1, 0 (lowest). For example: if the virtual disk device exposes identifiers of type 0, 1, and 3, UniqueId must be the identifier of type 3, and UniqueIdFormat should be set to 3.Vendor Specific Vendor Id FCPH NameSCSI Name StringCertain values for UniqueIdFormat may include various sub-formats. This field is a free-form string used to describe the specific format used in UniqueId.>This field indicates the intended usage for this virtual disk. Unrestricted.Reserved for ComputerSystem (the block server) Reserved by Replication ServicesReserved by Migration ServicesLocal Replica SourceRemote Replica SourceLocal Replica TargetPARemote Replica TargetLocal Replica Source or TargetRemote Replica Source or TargetDelta Replica TargetElement ComponentReserved as Pool ContributorComposite Volume MemberComposite VirtualDisk MemberReserved for SparingIf the virtual disk's Usage field is set to 1 - 'Other', this field must contain a description of the vendor or user defined usage. If Usage is not set to 1 - 'Other', this field must not be set.Denotes the current health status of the virtual disk. Health of a virtual disk is derived from the health of the backing physical disks, and whether or not the virtual disk can maintain the required levels of resiliency. 0 - 'Healthy': All physical disks are present and in a healthy state. 1 - 'Warning': The majority of physical disks are healthy, but one or more may be failing I/O requests. 2 - 'Unhealthy': The majority of physical disks are unhealthy or in a failed state, and the virtual disk no longer has data integrity.Detached IncompleteIf OperationalStatus contains 1 - 'Other', this field contains the string representing the vendor defined operational status. This property must be NULL if OperationalStatus does not contain 1 - 'Other'.DThe name of the resiliency setting used to create this virtual disk.PA6The logical size of the virtual disk measured in bytesThe currently allocated size of the virtual disk. If the virtual disk's ProvisioningType is 2 - 'Fixed', this value should equal Size. If the ProvisioningType is 1 - 'Thin', this value is the amount of space actually allocated (i.e. some value less than Size).This field indicates the total storage pool capacity being consumed by this virtual disk. For example: in the case of a 2-way mirrored virtual disk of size 1 GB, the footprint on the pool will be approximately 2 GB.Denotes the provisioning scheme of the virtual disk. 1 - 'Thin' indicates that the virtual disk's capacity is allocated on demand. 2 - 'Fixed' indicates that the virtual disk's capacity is fully allocated upon creation. ThinFixedThis field indicates the number of complete data copies that are being maintained. For example, RAID 5 maintains 1 copy of data, whereas RAID 1 maintains at least 2 copies.Non-rotated ParityRotated ParitypThis field indicates the number of underlying physical disks across which data for this virtual disk is striped.This field indicates the number of bytes that will form a strip in common striping-based resiliency settings. The strip is defined as the size of the portion of a stripe that lies on one physical disk. Thus, Interleave * NumberOfColumns will yield the size of one stripe of user data.LIndicates whether the virtual disk is available for read and/or write accessReadable WriteablePA Read/Write Write OnceIIndicates whether this virtual disk is a snapshot of another virtual diskIf TRUE, this virtual disk will only be attached to the system if an explicit call is made to the Attach method. Note that this property is specific to Storage Spaces.HDetermines the current allocation behavior for this virtual disk. Enclosure aware virtual disks will intelligently pick the physical disks to use for their redundancy. If TRUE, the virtual disk will attempt to use physical disks from different enclosures to balance the fault tolerance between two (or more) physical enclosures.Denotes the reason why this virtual disk is detached. This field will only be set when the virtual disk's OperationalStatus includes 0xD002 - 'Detached'. Note that this field is specific to Storage Spaces.None By PolicyMajority Disks UnhealthyThis method deletes the virtual disk. After this method is called, the space used by the virtual disk will be reclaimed and the user will be unable to reverse the delete operation.'Method Parameters Checked - Job StartedfThe virtual disk could not complete the operation because another computer controls its configuration.{This method shows a virtual disk to an initiator. This operation is also known as 'exposing' or 'unmasking' a virtual disk.(The HostType requested is not supported.,The initiator address specified is not valid/The target port address specified is not valid.MAn array of target port addresses from which the virtual disk should be shownFThe address of the initiator to which the virtual disk should be shownYThis field indicates the operating system type running on the host of the initiator port.StandardSolarisHPUXOpenVMSTru64NetwareSequentAIXDGUXDynixIrixCisco iSCSI Storage RouterLinuxMicrosoft WindowsOS400TRESPASSHI-UX VMware ESXiMicrosoft Windows Server 2008Microsoft Windows Server 2003}This method hides a virtual disk from an initiator. This operation is also known as 'unexposing' or 'masking' a virtual disk.An array of target port addresses from which the virtual disk should be hidden. Note: this array may contain a subset of the addresses originally given in Show.GThe address of the initiator to which the virtual disk should be hiddenAThis method creates a point in time snapshot of the virtual disk.<This operation is not supported on primordial storage pools.4The storage pool is reserved for special usage only..The specified storage pool could not be found.-The desired name of the snapshot virtual diskPAThis field indicates which storage pool should be used to hold the created snapshot. If this field is not set, this method will default to using the same storage pool that contains the source virtual disk.uThis method creates a clone of the virtual disk, resulting in another virtual disk with identical data to the source.*The desired name of the virtual disk cloneThis field indicates which storage pool should be used to hold the created clone. If this field is not set, this method will default to using the same storage pool that contains the source virtual disk.This method allows a virtual disk to be resized. The size specified must be in the range of valid values given by the GetSupportedSize method on the storage pool object.In UseSize Not SupportednThe virtual disk could not complete the operation because its health or operational status does not permit it.As input, this parameter contains the requested size for the virtual disk to become. As output, this parameter contains the size that was actually achieved after the resize operation.This method initiates a repair of the virtual disk - restoring data and redundancy to different (or new) physical disks within the storage pool.DThere is not enough redundancy remaining to repair the virtual disk.bThis method returns the security descriptor that controls access to this specific object instance.pA Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) formed string describing the access control list of the object. This method allows a user with sufficient privileges to set the security descriptor that control access to this specific object instance. If the call is not made in the context of a user specified in the security descriptor's access control list, this method will fail with 40001 - 'Access Denied'. If an empty security descriptor is passed to this function, the behavior is left to the specific implementation so long as there is some user context (typically domain administrators) that can access and administer the object.zA Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) formed string describing the desired access control list for this object.2This method allows the virtual disk to be renamed.PAThis method allows the virtual disk's intended usage to be updated. Not all virtual disks may allow this and will return 1 - 'Not Supported' if this operation cannot be performed.If Usage is set to 1 - 'Other', this parameter takes in the string representation of a vendor defined usage for this virtual disk. This parameter must not be set if Usage is a value other than 1 - 'Other'.This method allows the user to update or set various attributes on the virtual disk. Note that not all parameters must be specified, and only those given will be updated.IThe value for WriteCacheSize is outside of the supported range of values.GAttaches a Storage Spaces based virtual disk to the system. This operation is similar to Show and Hide, however there is no need for target and initiator configuration since everything is done locally. Depending on the system's NewDiskPolicy (formerly SAN policy), a Storage Space may need to be Attached before it can be used.Detaches a Storage Spaces based virtual disk from the system. This operation is similar to Hide, however there is no need for target and initiator configuration since everything is done locally. Detaching a Storage Space will result in it's corresponding disk object to be suprise removed from the system. Note that detaching can happen in response to certain failure and warning conditions (such as failing redundancy, or thin provisioning capacity limits being reached).fThe virtual disk could not complete the operation because its Manual Attach status does not permit it.FThis method will add one or more physical disks for manual allocation.GOne of the physical disks specified is not supported by this operation.6One of the physical disks specified is already in use.bOne of the physical disks specified uses a sector size that is not supported by this storage pool.JThis method will remove one or more physical disks from manual allocation.TOne of the physical disks specified could not be removed because it is still in use.A subsystem storage volume.ObjectId is a mandatory property that is used to opaquely and uniquely identify an instance of a class within the scope of the host computer system.$Drive letter assigned to the volume.Guid path of the volume.!Denotes the health of the volume. Scan NeededSpot Fix NeededFull Repair NeededFile system on the volume. File system label of the volume.Total size of the volumeAvailable space on the volumeDenotes the type of the volume.Invalid Root Path RemovableRemoteCD-ROMPARAM DiskFormat?This command is not supported on x86 running in x64 environment Access Denied%The specified cluster size is invalid*The specified file system is not supported$The volume cannot be quick formatted&The number of clusters exceeds 32 bits*The specified UDF version is not supportedFThe cluster size must be a multiple of the disk's physical sector sizeBCannot perform the requested operation when the drive is read onlyRepairThe repair failedThe scan failedPA#Cannot open drive for direct access-Cannot determine the file system of the driveOptimizeSetFileSystemLabelGetSupportedFileSystemsGetSupportedClusterSizesGets the volume attributesSets the volume attributes?This setting may not be changed due to the group policy settingBThis setting may not be changed due to the global registry setting"Represents a volume on the system.|A user-friendly string representing the name of the storage pool. Friendly name can be set using the SetFriendlyName method.vName is a semi-unique (scoped to the owning storage subsystem), human-readable string used to identify a storage pool./Denotes the intended usage of the storage pool.%Reserved as a Delta Replica ContainerReserved for Migration Services'Reserved for Local Replication Services(Reserved for Remote Replication ServicesIf Usage is set to 1 - 'Other', this field contains the string representation of the vendor defined usage for the storage pool. This property must be NULL if Usage is not set to 1 - 'Other'.If this field is set to TRUE, the storage pool is primordial. A primordial pool, also known as the 'available storage' pool is where storage capacity is drawn and returned in the creation and deletion of concrete storage pools. Primordial pools cannot be created or deleted. If this field is set to FALSE, the storage pool is a concrete pool. These pools are subject to all of the management operations defined on the storage pool class. This includes creation, deletion, creation of virtual disks, etc. Denotes the current health status of the storage pool. Health of a storage pool is derived from the health of the backing physical disks, and whether or not the storage pool can maintain the required levels of resiliency. 0 - 'Healthy': All physical disks are present and in a healthy state. 1 - 'Warning': The majority of physical disks are healthy, but one or more may be failing I/O requests. 2 - 'Unhealthy': The majority of physical disks are unhealthy or in a failed state, and the pool no longer has data integrity.Indicates the current operating conditions of the storage pool. Unlike HealthStatus, this field indicates the status of hardware, software, and infrastructure issues related to this storage pool, and can contain multiple values. Various operational statuses are defined. Many of the enumeration's values are self-explanatory. However, a few are not and are described here in more detail. 4 - 'Stressed': indicates that the storage pool is functioning, but needs attention. Examples of 'Stressed' states are overload, overheated, and so on. 5 - 'Predictive Failure': indicates that the storage pool is functioning nominally but predicting a failure in the near future. 11 - 'In Service': describes a storage pool being configured, maintained, or otherwise administered. 12 - 'No Contact': indicates that the storage provider has knowledge of this storage pool, but has never been able to establish communications with it. 13 - 'Lost Communication': indicates that the storage pool is known to exist and has been contacted successfully in the past, but is currently unreachable. 10 - 'Stopped' and 14 - 'Aborted' are similar, although the former implies a clean and orderly stop, while the latter implies an abrupt stop where the state and configuration of the storage pool might need to be updated. 15 - 'Dormant': indicates that the storage pool is inactive. 16 - 'Supporting Entity in Error': indicates that this storage pool might be OK, but that another element, on which it is dependent, is in error. Read-onlyA string representation of the vendor defined operational status. This field should only be set if the OperationalStatus array contains 1 - 'Other'.Indicates the capacity of the storage pool. If the pool is primordial, this is the sum of all the healthy physical disk sizes. If the pool is concrete, this is the sum of all associated physical disks (except hot-spares, and including failed drives).9Indicates the total sum of all the capacity used by this storage pool. If the pool is primordial, this will be the sum of all capacity currently allocated to concrete storage pools. If the pool is concrete, this value should be the sum of all capacity currently allocated to virtual disks and other pool metadata.This field indicates the logical sector size of the storage pool, in bytes. This value is derived from the backing physical disks, as well as the preference specified at the time this storage pool was created.This field indicates the physical sector size of the storage pool, in bytes. This value is derived from the backing physical disks for this storage pool.ADenotes the provisioning schemes that this storage pool supports.Indicates the default resiliency setting used for virtual disk creation. This default can be overridden at the time of virtual disk creation. This property's value should correspond to the resiliency setting's Name field.Indicates whether or not the storage pool's configuration is read-only. If TRUE, the storage pool will not allow configuration changes to itself or any of its virtual and physical disks. Note that the data on the virtual disk may still be writable.MIndicates whether or not the storage pool is used in a clustered environment.7If TRUE, this storage pool supports data deduplication.1Percentages at which an alert should be generated Percentage`If TRUE, the storage pool should clear (zero out) physical disks that are removed from the pool.This property indicates whether the disks comprising this pool are able to tolerate power loss without data loss, e.g. automatically flush volatile buffers to non-volatile media after external power is disconnected.SDetermines the default allocation behavior for virtual disks created in this pool. Enclosure aware virtual disks will intelligently pick the physical disks to use for their redundancy. If TRUE, the storage subsystem will use physical disks from different enclosures to balance the fault tolerance between two (or more) physical enclosures.If TRUE, the storage subsystem will automatically retire missing physical disks in this storage pool and replace them with hot-spares or other available physical disks (in the storage pool).AutoAlwaysNever5Default size of write cache for virtual disk creation5Minimum size of write cache for virtual disk creation5Maximum size of write cache for virtual disk creationYou must specify a size by using either the Size or the UseMaximumSize parameter. You can specify only one of these parameters at a time.GThe specified resiliency setting is not supported by this storage pool.tThere are not enough eligible physical disks in the storage pool to create the specified virtual disk configuration.,No resiliency setting with that name exists.6The value for NoSinglePointOfFailure is not supported.QThe value for PhysicalDiskRedundancy is outside of the supported range of values.MThe value for NumberOfDataCopies is outside of the supported range of values.GThe value for ParityLayout is outside of the supported range of values.EThe value for Interleave is outside of the supported range of values.JThe value for NumberOfColumns is outside of the supported range of values.PNot enough physical disks were specified to successfully complete the operation.This parameter allows the user to specify the FriendlyName at the time of the virtual disk creation. FriendlyNames are expected to be descriptive, however they are not required to be unique. Note that some storage subsystems do not allow setting a friendly name during virtual disk creation. If a subsystem doesn't support this, virtual disk creation should still succeed, however the disk may have a different name assigned to it.Indicates the size for the virtual disk. Note that some storage subsystems will round the size up or down to a multiple of its allocation unit size. This parameter cannot be used if UseMaximumSize is set to TRUE.UseMaximumSize instructs the storage array to create the largest possible virtual disk given the available resources of this storage pool. This parameter cannot be used if the Size parameter is set.Denotes the provisioning type of the virtual disk. 1 - 'Thin': The storage for the virtual disk is allocated on-demand. 2 - 'Fixed': The storage for the virtual disk is allocated up front. This parameter specifies the resiliency setting to use as a template for this virtual disk. This property's value should correspond with the particular resiliency setting instance's Name property. Only resiliency settings associated with this storage pool may be used..Denotes the intended usage of the virtual diskAllows a user to set a vendor specific usage for the new virtual disk object. This parameter can only be specified if the Usage parameter is set to 1 - 'Other'.Specifies how many physical disk failures the virtual disk should be able to withstand before data loss occurs. If specified, this value will override the PhysicalDiskRedundancyDefault which would have been inherited from the resiliency setting specified by ResiliencySettingName.PAIf TRUE, this field instructs the storage provider (or subsystem) to automatically pick what it determines to be the best number of columns for the virtual disk. If this field is TRUE, then the NumberOfColumns parameter must be NULL.@Determines the allocation behavior for this virtual disk. Enclosure aware virtual disks will intelligently pick the physical disks to use for their redundancy. If TRUE, the virtual disk will attempt to use physical disks from different enclosures to balance the fault tolerance between two (or more) physical enclosures.If specified, allocation of this virtual disk's storage is limited to the physical disks in the list. These physical disks must already be added to this storage pool."Storage tiers on this virtual diskSizes of each tier'Size of write cache on the virtual diskEIndicates if provider should pick up the auto write cache size or not]This method creates a virtual disk and single volume using the resources of the storage pool.Indicates the size for the virtual disk. Note that some storage subsystems will round the size up or down to a multiple of its allocation unit size. The size of the resulting volume will be the maximum size possible for the resulting virtual disk.Denotes the provisioning type of the volume. 1 - 'Thin': The storage for the volume is allocated on-demand. 2 - 'Fixed': The storage for the volume is allocated up front.This parameter specifies the resiliency setting to use as a template for this volume. This property's value should correspond with the particular resiliency setting instance's Name property. Only resiliency settings associated with this storage pool may be used.PAFAT16FAT32NTFSReFS CSVFS_NTFS CSVFS_ReFS!Friendly name of the storage tierMedia type of the storage tierDescription of the storage tierThis method deletes an empty storage pool. If the storage pool contains any virtual disks, these virtual disks should be removed first.(The storage pool contains virtual disks.9This method will upgrade the version of the storage pool.vThis method will add one or more physical disks from the primordial storage pool to an existing concrete storage pool.This method removes one or more physical disks from the pool and returns all previously allocated space on the disk to the available capacity in the primordial pool.This method returns the supported sizes for a virtual disk created on this storage pool. These sizes can either be returned in an array of all supported sizes, through a min, max, and divisor, or both.bThis parameter denotes the minimum supported size that a virtual disk created in this pool can be.bThis parameter denotes the maximum supported size that a virtual disk created in this pool can be.2This method allows the storage pool to be renamed.This method allows the storage pool's intended usage to be updated. Not all storage pools may allow this and will return 1 - 'Not Supported' if this operation cannot be performed.PA3Denotes the new intended usage of the storage pool.If Usage is set to 1 - 'Other', this parameter takes in the string representation of a vendor defined usage for this storage pool. This parameter must not be set if Usage is a value other than 1 - 'Other'.This method allows the user to update or set various defaults on the storage pool. Note that not all parameters must be specified, and only those given will be updated.@Specifies the new default provisioning type of the storage pool.Specifies the new default resiliency setting that should be used by this storage pool. The resiliency setting specified must already be associated with this storage pool.;This parameter indicates the default allocation policy for virtual disks created in an enclosure aware storage pool. For example, an enclosure aware subsystem could balance each data copy of the virtual disk across multiple physical enclosures such that each enclosure contains a full data copy of the virtual disk.9New default size of write cache for virtual disk creationThis method allows the user to update or set various attributes on the storage pool. Note that not all parameters must be specified, and only those given will be updated.cThe number of thin provisioning alert thresholds specified exceeds the limit for this storage pool.Represents a logical grouping of physical disks that may be used to create virtual disks. These virtual disks can be created with different characteristics and levels of resiliency based on the number of available physical disks and the capabilities of the storage pool.FriendlyName is a user-friendly name of the masking set. It is specified during the creation of the masking set, and can be changed using the SetFriendlyName method.Name is a user-friendly system defined name for the masking set. Name is unique within the scope of the owning storage subsystem.This field specifies the operating system, version, driver, and other host environment factors that influence the behavior exposed by the storage subsystem.This method adds an initiator to the masking set. All virtual disks in the masking set will be accessible (shown) to these initiators.<Only one initiator address is acceptable for this operation.This parameter is an array of initiator addresses. For each address contained in this array, a corresponding initiator ID instance should be created and then associated with this masking set.This method removes one or more initiator ids from the masking set. Note that the initiator id instances themselves should not be deleted from the system.=This method adds one or more target ports to the masking set.BThis method removes one or more target ports from the masking set.sThis method adds a virtual disk to the masking set, allowing it to be shown to the initiators contained in the set..The specified virtual disk could not be found.)The device number specified is not valid.5DeviceAccess must be specified for each virtual disk. Read Write Read-Only No AccessThis method removes a virtual disk from the masking set. Once removed, this virtual disk will no longer be shown to the initiators contained in this masking set.-This method deletes the masking set instance..This method allows the FriendlyName to be set.A masking set is a collection of virtual disks, target ports, and initiator ids that are used for bulk Show and Hide operations. When a resource is added to a masking set it is made available for access to all other resources in the masking set. For example, adding a virtual disk object to a masking set will allow all initiator IDs in the masking set to access the virtual disk object.A user settable string representing the name of the storage subsystem. The storage provider or subsystem is expected to supply an initial value for this field.A user settable description of the storage subsystem. This field can be used to store extra free-form information, such as notes or details about the subsystem's intended usage.PAVName is a globally unique, human-readable string used to identify a storage subsystem.7NameFormat describes the format of the Name identifier.IPDialHIDNWAHWAX25ISDNIPXDCCICDE.164SNAOID/OSIWWNThis field is an array of custom identifier for the subsystem. If this field is set, the OtherIdentifyingInfoDescription field must also be set.An array of string description of the format used in the custom identifiers defined in the OtherIdentifyingInfo field. There must be a 1:1 mapping between this array and OtherIdentifyingInfo.'Indicates the current statuses of the subsystem. Various operational statuses are defined. Many of the enumeration's values are self-explanatory. However, a few are not and are described here in more detail. 4 - 'Stressed': indicates that the subsystem is functioning, but needs attention. Examples of 'Stressed' states are overload, overheated, and so on. 5 - 'Predictive Failure': indicates that the subsystem is functioning nominally but predicting a failure in the near future. 11 - 'In Service': describes a subsystem being configured, maintained, cleaned, or otherwise administered. 12 - 'No Contact': indicates that the storage provider has knowledge of this subsystem, but has never been able to establish communications with it. 13 - 'Lost Communication': indicates that the subsystem is known to exist and has been contacted successfully in the past, but is currently unreachable. 10 - 'Stopped' and 14 - 'Aborted' are similar, although the former implies a clean and orderly stop, while the latter implies an abrupt stop where the state and configuration of the subsystem might need to be updated. 15 - 'Dormant': indicates that the subsystem is inactive. 16 - 'Supporting Entity in Error': indicates that this subsystem might be OK, but that another element, on which it is dependent, is in error. 9This field denotes the cache level that has been discovered. This corresponds to the storage provider's DiscoveryLevel parameter in the Discover method. 0 - 'Level 0': The storage provider and storage subsystem objects have been discovered. 1 - 'Level 1': Storage pools, resiliency settings, target ports, target portals, and initiator ids belonging to this subsystem have been discovered. 2 - 'Level 2': Virtual disks and masking sets belonging to this subsystem have been discovered. 3 - 'Level 3': Physical disks belonging to this subsystem have been discovered.Level 0Level 1Level 2Level 3mThis field is a string representation of the company responsible for creating the storage subsystem hardware.QThis field is a string representation of the model number of the subsystem array.RThis field is a string representation of the serial number of the subsystem array.JThis field is a string representation of the subsystem's firmware version.ADenotes whether this subsystem supports local mirror replication.BDenotes whether this subsystem supports remote mirror replication.Denotes whether this subsystem supports local snapshotting. This field must be true if the VirtualDisk::CreateSnapshot method is implemented.<Denotes whether this subsystem supports remote snapshotting.Denotes whether this subsystem supports local cloning. This field must be true if the VirtualDisk::CreateClone method is implemented.7Denotes whether this subsystem supports remote cloning.Denotes whether a user can create a virtual disk by using the CreateVirtualDisk method on either the storage subsystem or storage pool objects.Denotes whether a user can modify attributes or other properties on a virtual disk by using the various Set* extrinsic methods. (For example: SetFriendlyname ).Denotes whether a user can delete a virtual disk through the use of the DeleteObject extrinsic method on the virtual disk instance.|Indicates if the subsystem allows a virtual disk to be grown in size (using the Resize method of the virtual disk instance).~Indicates if the subsystem allows a virtual disk to be reduced in size (using the Resize method of the virtual disk instance).Indicates if the subsystem supports explicit repairing of a virtual disk through the Repair method of the virtual disk instance.CIf TRUE, this subsystem supports the deletion of its storage pools.gIf TRUE, storage pools on this subsystem support capacity expansion through adding more physical disks.If TRUE, storage pools on this subsystem support the replacement or removal of physical disks by use of the RemovePhysicalDisk method on the storage pool instance.LIf TRUE, the CreateVirtualDisk method on the storage subsystem is supported.If TRUE, all resiliency settings will be copied from the primordial pool and added to a concrete pool upon its creation. If FALSE, the storage pool should copy the setting specified in the ResiliencySettingNameDefault parameter of CreateStoragePool. If no name was given, the resiliency setting specified by the primordial pool's ResiliencySettingNameDefault property should be used.PA?If TRUE, this subsystem supports the deletion of storage tiers.?If TRUE, this subsystem supports the resizing of storage tiers.FIf TRUE, this subsystem supports the creation of tiered virtual disks.+This field is reserved for future releases.If TRUE, the storage subsystem supports showing and hiding (masking) a virtual disk to a host initiator through the Show/Hide methods of the virtual disk and by the use of masking sets.vIndicates which address formats can be inferred by the storage provider and subsystem when working with initiator ids.Port WWNNode WWN Host Name iSCSI Name Switch WWN SAS AddressIf MaskingValidInitiatorIdTypes contains the value 1 - 'Other', this field is used to enumerate the other valid initiator id types for this storage subsystem.Indicates the number of target ports that can be used for masking a virtual disk. This applies to both masking sets and the virtual disk Show method.PAOne TargetPort per viewMultiple target ports per view$All target ports share the same viewIf TRUE, the storage provider supports the use of the DeviceNumbers parameter of the CreateMaskingSet and AddVirtualDisk methods.RIf TRUE, the subsystem will only allow one initiator to be added to a masking set.\Indicates the maximum number of masking sets that a particular virtual disk can be added to.ManualWDenotes the iSCSI Target Creation Scheme supported by the subsystem. 0 - 'Not Applicable' implies a non-iSCSI subsystem. 1 - 'Not Supported' implies the subsystem does not allow creation of a Target. 2 - 'Manual' implies the subsystem allows manual creation of the Target. 3 - 'Auto' implies the subsystem automatically creates a Target. Not ApplicableNDenotes the total number of physical disk slots in the subsystem or enclosure.A string representing the name of the management server. This value is only relevant for Storage Management Providers that implement the SMI-S standard./An array representing the supported host types.?When the corresponding array entry in SupportedHostType[] is "Other", this entry provides a string describing the manufacturer and OS/Environment. When the corresponding SupportedHostType[] entry is not "Other", this entry allows variations or qualifications of ClientTypes - for example, different versions of Solaris.?This method creates a storage pool from available physical disks contained within a common primordial pool. A physical disk is available for storage pool creation if its CanPool property is set to TRUE. Storage pool creation is only available when the SupportsStoragePoolCreation field of the storage subsystem is TRUE.This parameter allows the user to specify the FriendlyName at the time of the storage pool creation. FriendlyNames are expected to be descriptive, however they are not required to be unique. Note that some storage subsystems do not allow setting a friendly name during pool creation. If a subsystem doesn't support this, storage pool creation should still succeed, however the pool may have a different name assigned to it.PAAllows a user to set a custom usage type for the new storage pool object. This parameter can only be specified if the Usage parameter is set to 1 - 'Other'. This parameter indicates the resiliency setting to be used by default when creating a new virtual disk on this storage pool. If the subsystem's SupportsMultipleResiliencySettingsPerStoragePool property is set to FALSE, this parameter also acts as a hint to the Storage Management Provider on which resiliency setting should be inherited by this storage pool. If no value is given, it is up to the Storage Management Provider to pick the most appropriate resiliency setting.This parameter indicates the provisioning type to be used by default when creating a new virtual disk on this storage pool. If no default is specified, the default is inherited from the primordial pool.This parameter indicates the default logical sector size for the storage pool. This is useful when a storage pool may contain a mix of 512 emulated and either 4K native or 512 native physical disks.This method allows for the creation of virtual disks on a storage subsystem. This method is typically used when either a) the subsystem's storage pools do not allow virtual disk creation directly, or b) the subsystem does not support storage pools. Storage Management Providers may also choose to implement this method to 'intelligently' pick a storage pool for the user. If this method is supported, the subsystem's SupportsAutomaticStoragePoolSelection property should be set to TRUE.MNo storage pools were found that can support this virtual disk configuration.This parameter allows the user to specify the desired FriendlyName at the time of the virtual disk creation. FriendlyNames are expected to be descriptive, however they are not required to be unique. Note that some storage subsystems do not allow setting a friendly name during virtual disk creation. If a subsystem doesn't support this, virtual disk creation should still succeed, however the disk may have a different name assigned to it.Allows a user to set a custom usage type for the new virtual disk object. This parameter can only be specified if the Usage parameter is set to 1 - 'Other'. Indicates the desired size for the virtual disk. Note that some storage subsystems will round the size up or down to a multiple of its allocation unit size. If this parameter is specified, UseMaximumSize must be NULL or FALSE.nCreate a virtual disk using the largest supported size. This parameter cannot be used with the Size parameter.OSpecifies the number of complete data copies to maintain for this virtual disk.oSpecifies how many physical disk failures the virtual disk should be able to withstand before data loss occurs.VSpecifies the number of underlying physical disks across which data should be striped.Specifies the number of bytes used to form a strip in common striping-based resiliency settings. The strip is defined as the size of the portion of a stripe that lies on one physical disk. Thus Interleave * NumberOfColumns will yield the total size of one stripe.Denotes the provisioning type of the virtual disk. A value of 1 - 'Thin' means that the storage for the disk is allocated on-demand. A value of 2 - 'Fixed' means that the storage is allocated up front.Creates logical grouping of virtual disks, target ports, and initiators for the purpose of showing virtual disks to host systems.This parameter allows the user to specify the desired FriendlyName for the masking set at the time of its creation. FriendlyNames are expected to be descriptive, however they are not requried to be unique.*This parameter specifies the list of virtual disks to show to the initiators in the masking set. The identifier used by this parameter is the virtual disk Name property. This parameter has a 1:1 mapping with the DeviceAccesses parameter (the arrays must be the same length and have the same order).This parameter specifies the level of access the initiator should have to each virtual disk specified by VirtualDiskNames. This parameter has a 1:1 mapping with the VirtualDiskNames parameter (the arrays must be the same length and have the same order).'Specifies the order in which the virtual disks should be exposed to the initiator. This capability is only available if the storage subsystem's MaskingClientSelectableDeviceNumbers property is set to TRUE. If specified, this parameter must have a 1:1 mapping with the VirtualDiskNames parameter.This parameter specifies the target ports which should be used when showing the virtual disks to the initiators. The number of target ports that can be specified depends on the subsystem's MaskingPortsPerView property. If MaskingPortsPerView is set to 4 - 'All target ports share the same view', this parameter is essentially ignored as all target ports on the system will be associated with this masking set.MThis parameter specifies the initiators for which the virtual disks should be shown. If the subsystem's MaskingOneInitiatorIdPerView property is TRUE, only one initiator can be specified for this masking set. The list of valid initiator address formats can be determined through the subsystem's MaskingValidInitiatorIdTypes property.PThis method allows a user to set the description field of the storage subsystem.SMPSMI-S-A user-friendly name of the storage provider.9A string indicating the manufacturer of the SMP software.PAYA version string used by the SMP manufacturer to differentiate between software versions.If the SMP is of type 2 - 'SMI-S', this field contains the name of the host running the SMI-S provider software. This field will be NULL otherwise.If the SMP is of type 2 - 'SMI-S', this field contains the protocol, computer host name, and port of the SMI-S server. This field will be NULL otherwise.If the SMP is of type 2 - 'SMI-S', this field contains the protocol, IP address, and port of the SMI-S server. This field will be NULL otherwise.QThis method is used when a user wants to explicitly discover or re-enumerate objects owned by the storage provider. A call to this method could result in a full or partial cache invalidation and over-the-wire calls to the storage subsystem(s) in order to discover new or updated objects. As this is a time consuming task, it should be used sparingly by the user. The scope of the discovery operation is controlled by the DiscoveryLevel and RootObject parameters. DiscoveryLevel controls the depth of the object discovery. RootObject defines the starting point from which discovery will happen.9The storage provider does not support a required profile.=The storage provider does not support a required association.This field denotes the level (or depth) of discovery that should be performed. This parameter can only be specified if the root object is a storage provider, storage subsystem, or NULL. When specified, the storage provider will discover objects starting from Level 0 and continuing until the specified level is reached. Associations between objects (within the discovered levels) will also be discovered. The discovery levels are defined as follows: 0 - 'Level 0': The storage provider and storage subsystem objects will be discovered. 1 - 'Level 1': Storage pools, resiliency settings, target ports, target portals, and initiator ids will be discovered. 2 - 'Level 2': Virtual disks and masking sets will be discovered. 3 - 'Level 3': Physical disks will be discovered.;If this parameter is set, discovery will begin from this object. When DiscoveryLevel is NULL, well-defined actions will be taken depending on the type of object specified by RootObject: Storage subsystem: All associated objects will be discovered. Storage pool: The pool, along with any associated resiliency settings, virtual disks, and physical disks will be discovered. Masking set: The masking set, along with any associated target ports, initiator ids, and virtual disks will be discovered. For all other objects: Only that object will be discovered / refreshed.This method registers a subsystem to be managed by this provider. Note that the subsystem must be compatible with the provider software.?Cannot register/unregister the storage subsystem on local host.WThis method unregisters a subsystem. The provider will no longer manage this subsystem.(The storage subsystem is not registered.This class is a representation of a particular Storage Management Provider (SMP) software package which is used to manage a storage subsystem. In ProcessPendingPACompletely on tierPartially on tier Not on tier This class manages file pinning.The operating system's number for the disk that contains this partition. Disk numbers may not necessarily remain the same across reboots.qThe currently assigned drive letter to the partition. This property is NULL if no drive letter has been assigned.This property is an array of all the various mount points for the partition. This list includes drive letters, as well as mounted folders.OnlineNo MediaThis is the second of two keys required to uniquely identify the partition. This property indicates the partition's offset from the beginning of the disk, measured in bytes./Total size of the partition, measured in bytes.This property indicates the partition's MBR type. This property is only valid when the disk's PartitionStyle property is set to 1 - 'MBR' and will be NULL for all other partition styles.FAT12ExtendedHugeIFSThis property indicates the partition's GPT type. This property is only valid when the disk's PartitionStyle property is set to 2 - 'GPT' and will be NULL for all other partition styles.System Partition Basic data LDM MetadataLDM DataMicrosoft RecoveryThis property is a string representation of the partition's GPT GUID. This property is only valid if the disk's PartitionStyle property is set to 2 - 'GPT' and will be NULL for all other partition stlyes.qSignifies whether or not the partition is active and can be booted. This property is only relevant for MBR disks.If this property is set to TRUE, the partition is not detected by the mount manager. As a result, the partition does not receive a drive letter, does not receive a volume GUID path, does not host volume mount points, and is not enumerated by calls to FindFirstVolume and FindNextVolume. This ensures that applications such as disk defragmenter do not access the partition. The Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) uses this attribute on its shadow copies.If this property is set to TRUE, the partition is a shadow copy of another partition. This attribute is used by the Volume Shadow Copy service (VSS). This attribute is an indication for file system filter driver-based software (such as antivirus programs) to avoid attaching to the volume. An application can use this attribute to differentiate a shadow copy partition from a production partition. For example, an application that performs a fast recovery will break a shadow copy virtual disk by clearing the read-only and hidden attributes and this attribute. This attribute is set when the shadow copy is created and cleared when the shadow copy is broken.If this property is set to TRUE, the operating system does not assign a drive letter automatically when the partition is discovered. This is only honored for GPT disks and is assumed to be FALSE for MBR disks. This attribute is useful in storage area network (SAN) environments./Deletes the partition and corresponding volume.In use>The partition was deleted, although its access paths were not.7The extended partition still contains other partitions.?The operation is not allowed on a system or critical partition.`This method returns all mount points and drive letters that can be used to access the partition.,The requested access path is already in use.0Cannot assign access paths to hidden partitions.The access path is not valid.4Cannot assign multiple drive letters to a partition.5Cannot assign drive letter to this type of partition.&This parameter is a string indicating the access path, which is a user-mode path that can be used to open the partition. An access path can be a drive letter (in the form C: or C:\) or a path to an empty directory on an NTFS volume. The access path string does not require a trailing backslash.jIf this parameter is specified as TRUE, the next available drive letter will be assigned to the partition.aThis method removes the access path from the partition regardless of whether or not it is in use.!Cannot remove a volume GUID path.BCannot remove the drive letter of a boot or paging file partition.This method resizes the partition and any associated filesystem to the size specified by the Size parameter. If the size is outside of the bounds returned by the GetSupportedSize method, then this method will fail with a well defined error code. The resize operation is only supported on NTFS formatted partitions and RAW partitions. If the specified size is smaller than the original size, this method will move files so that they are as close as possible to the beginning of the partition, in order to consolidate free space at the end of the partition. It then truncates the file system volume, reducing its size, and then truncates the partition. In almost all cases, there will be some files that are immovable. For example, file system and storage driver metadata files are likely to be immovable. For this reason, the amount by which a partition can be shrunk is usually less than the total amount of free space on the partition.:Cannot shrink a partition containing a volume with errors.<Cannot resize a partition containing an unknown file system.NThis method returns the minimum and maximum sizes that the partition can be resized to using the Resize method. The minimum size is determined by the disk defragmenter and takes into account the location of immovable files. The maximum size is determined by adding the size of any free extents immediately after the current partition.This output parameter contains the minimum size that this partition can become. Note that if this method is run multiple times, this value can change slightly depending on the placement of various temporary files.OThis output parameter contains the maximum size that this partition can become.HOnlines the partition by mounting the associated volume (if one exists).4This operation is only supported on data partitions.'The volume still has access path to it.8Sets various attributes and properties of the partition."The disk has not been initialized.The disk is offline.4A parameter is not valid for this type of partition.!Represents a partition on a disk.GPath can be used to open an operating system handle to the disk device.PAQUniqueId of a disk contains the VPD Page 0x83 information that uniquely identifies this disk. The following types are accepted (in order of precedence): 8 - SCSI Name String; 3 - FCPH Name; 2 - EUI64, 1 - Vendor Id, 0 - Vendor Specific. If the disk is an exposed VirtualDisk, UniqueId is used map the association between the two objects.kUniqueIdFormat informs the user what VPD Page 0x83 descriptor type was used to populate the UniqueId field.The operating system's number for the disk. Disk 0 is typically the boot device. Disk numbers may not necessarily remain the same across reboots.4A string representation of the disk's serial number.7A string representation of the disk's firmware version.<A string representation of the disk's hardware manufacturer.,A string representation of the disk's model..The total size of the disk, measured in bytes./The amount of space currently used on the disk.This field indicates the logical sector size of the disk in bytes. For example: a 4K native disk will report 4096, while a 512 emulated disk will report 512.This field indicates the physical sector size of the disk in bytes. For example: both 4K native disks and 512 emulated disks will report 4096.This field indicates the largest contiguous block of free space on the disk. This is also the largest size of a partition which can be created on the disk.Denotes the provisioning type of the disk device. 1 - 'Thin' means that the storage for the disk is allocated on-demand. 2 - 'Fixed' means that the storage is allocated up front. Not ReadyMissingFailing+Denotes the I/O bus type used by this disk.MBRGPTrThe MBR signature of the disk. This property is only valid on MBR disks and will be NULL for all other disk types.mThe GPT guid of the disk. This property is only valid on GPT disks and will be NULL for all other disk types.NIf IsOffline is TRUE, this property informs the user of the specific reason for the disk being offline. 1 - 'Policy': The user requested the disk to be offline. 2 - 'Redundant Path': The disk is used for multi-path I/O. 3 - 'Snapshot': The disk is a snapshot disk. 4 - 'Collision': There was a signature or identifier collision with another disk. 5 - 'Resource Exhaustion': There were insufficient resources to bring the disk online. 6 - 'Critical Write Failures': There were critical write failures on the disk. 7 - 'Data Integrity Scan Required': A data integrity scan is required.PolicyRedundant PathSnapshot CollisionResource ExhaustionCritical Write FailuresData Integrity Scan Required=If IsSystem is TRUE, this disk contains the system partition.EIf IsClustered is TRUE, this disk is used in a clustered environment.FThis property indicates that the computer has booted off of this disk.This method will attempt to create a new partition on the disk. By default, it creates a data partition using the largest available free extent. On MBR disks, CreatePartition will automatically create an extended partition when needed.Disk is in useThe disk is read only.,The disk's partition limit has been reached.`The specified partition alignment is not valid. It must be a multiple of the disk's sector size.*The specified partition type is not valid.,Only the first 2 TB are usable on MBR disks."The specified offset is not valid. There is no media in the device.6Operation not supported on a non-empty removable disk.*The specified partition layout is invalid.This parameter specifies the desired size (measured in bytes) for the partition. This must be equal to or less than the size specified by the disk's LargestFreeExtent property. This parameter cannot be used with UseMaximumSize.If set to TRUE, the partition will fill the largest free extent on the disk. This parameter cannot be used with the Size parameter.`This parameter allows the user to specify a drive letter for the partition at the time of creation. This parameter cannot be used in conjunction with AssignDriveLetter. If both parameters are specified, an Invalid Parameter error will be returned. If the drive letter is not available, the partition will be created, but error '42002' will be returned.YIf AssignDriveLetter is set to TRUE, the next available drive letter will be assigned to the created partition. If no more drive letters are available, the partition will be created with no drive letter. This parameter cannot be used in conjunction with DriveLetter. If both parameters are specified, an Invalid Parameter error will be returned.Specifies the MBR partition type. MbrType can only be set if the disk's PartitionStyle property is set to 1 - 'MBR', otherwise an error will be returned. If this parameter is not specified, CreatePartition will default to type 6 - 'Huge'.Specifies the GPT partition type. GptType is only valid if the disk's PartitionStyle property is set to 2 - 'GPT', otherwise an error will be returned. If this parameter is not specified, CreatePartition will default to {ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7} - 'Basic Data'.FIf TRUE, the partition will not be able to receive a drive letter assignment, nor will mount manager assign a volume GUID name. The partition will not be enumerated by the FindFirstVolume and FindNextVolume functions. The partition can be opened by its associated volume device name (i.e. \?GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeX).If TRUE, the partition's MBR active bit will be set, and the partition will become bootable. This parameter is only valid for MBR disks.This method initializes a RAW disk with a particular partition style. If no partition style is specified, GPT will be selected by default. If the disk is already initialized, this method will fail with a well defined error code.&The disk has already been initialized.>The disk is not large enough to support a GPT partition style.oSpecifies the desired partition style for the disk. If no value is given, Initialize will default to 2 - 'GPT'.This method removes partition information and uninitializes a disk, sending it back into a RAW state. The caller must specify RemoveData, RemoveOEM or both with this method unless they first delete all data partitions, known OEM partitions, and ESP partitions on the disk. This requirement excludes metadata partitions such as the MSR, the LDM metadata partition, and unknown OEM partitions.ZCannot clear with OEM partitions present. To clear OEM partitions, use the RemoveOEM flag.]Cannot clear with data partitions present. To clear data partitions, use the RemoveData flag.This parameter indicates that it is OK to remove data partitions from the disk. If this parameter is FALSE or NULL, Clear will fail in the presence of a data partition.This parameter indicates that it is OK to remove OEM and other special partitions. If this parameter is FALSE or not specified, Clear will fail in the presence of these types of partitions.If TRUE, this parameter instructs Clear to zero out the entire disk in addition to removing all partition information. If the parameter is FALSE or NULL, only the first and last megabyte of the disk is zeroed.HThis method converts the partition style of an already initialized disk.+Operation not supported on a critical disk.MCannot convert the style of a disk with data or other known partitions on it.Takes the disk offline.Brings the disk online.jSets various attributes and properties of the disk. The disk must be online for most attributes to be set.RIf TRUE, the disk will be made read-only. If FALSE, the disk will become writable.Sets the MBR signature of the disk. This parameter is only valid when the disk's PartitionStyle property is set to 1 - 'MBR'. An error will be returned if the disk is any other partition style.Sets the GPT guid of the disk. This parameter is only valid when the disk's PartitionStyle property is set to 2 - 'GPT'. An error will be returned if the disk is any other partition style.This method refreshes the cached disk layout information. This is useful when the backing disk has changed size (if the backing data store is a VHD or a virtual disk).A disk object models the operating system's concept of a disk device. The disk may be directly attached to the computer system, or a virtual disk exposed to the system through the use of a Storage Management Provider.A system set description of the capabilities of the resiliency setting, including (but not limited to) when a setting should be used, its strengths and drawbacks, performance information, and any other information that the vendor feels is helpful to the user. mThis field reports the minimum number of complete copies of data that will be maintained by the storage pool.lThis field reports the maximum number of complete copies of data that can be maintained by the storage pool.This field is a user-settable preference for the number of complete data copies to maintain. Its value must be within the range defined by NumberofDataCopiesMin and NumberOfDataCopiesMax (inclusive). For new concrete pools, the default should be inherited from the corresponding primordial pool's capability. In the case of the primordial pool, the initial value for this field is left to the Storage Management Provider software.vThis field reports the minimum number of tolerable physical disk failures that can occur before data loss would occur.xThis field reports the maximum number of tolerable physical disk failures that could occur before data loss would occur.This field is a user-settable preference for how many physical disk failures a virtual disk should be able to withstand before data loss occurs.This field describes the minimum number of underlying physical disks across which data can be striped in the common striping-based resiliency settings.This field describes the maximum number of underlying physical disks across which data can be striped in the common striping-based resiliency settings.yThis field is a user-settable preference for the number of underlying physical disks across which data should be striped.This field describes the minimum number of bytes that can form a strip in common striping-based resiliency settings. The strip is defined as the size of the portion of a stripe that lies on one physical disk.This field describes the maximum number of bytes that can form a strip in common striping-based resiliency settings. The strip is defined as the size of the portion of a stripe that lies on one physical disk.This field describes the desired number of bytes that will form a strip in common striping-based resiliency settings. The strip is defined as the size of the portion of a stripe that lies on one physical disk. Thus, Interleave * NumberOfColumns will yield the total size of one stripe.This field specifies whether a parity-based resiliency setting is using a rotated or non-rotated parity layout. If the resiliency setting is not parity based, this field must be set to NULLThe desired number of full data copies to maintain. This value must be between NumberofDataCopiesMin and NumberofDataCopiesMax.The desired level of physical disk failure tolerance. This value must be between PhyscialDiskRedundancyMin and PhysicalDiskRedundancyMax.Specifies the desired number of physical disks to stripe data across. This value must be between NumberOfColumnsMin and NumberofColumnsMax.If TRUE, this field instructs the storage provider (or subsystem) to automatically pick what it determines to be the best number of columns for this resiliency setting. If this field is TRUE, then the NumberOfColumnsDefault parameter must be NULL.Specifies the desired size of a data strip on a single physical disk in a striping based resiliency setting. This value must be between InterleaveMin and InterleaveMax. ResiliencySetting is a detailed description of the resiliency capabilities offered by a storage pool. A storage pool can have one or more of these settings. It specifies a series of properties with a minimum, maximum, and default value. The minimum and maximum values may not reflect the current capabilities of the storage pool, but rather the ideal range of capabilities offered by the subsystem. The default values will be used when creating new virtual disks unless overridden.8FriendlyName is a user-friendly name of the target port.xThis field is the node identifier / address. For Fibre Channel networks, this field should be the World-Wide Name (WWN) for the port, formatted as a hexadecimal string (16 characters long), with the most significant byte first. For example, a WWN address of 01:23:45:67:89:AB:CD:EF should be represented as 0123456789ABCDEF. For iSCSI networks, this field should be the IQN.;The identifier of the controller to which this port belongsDenotes the role of this controller port. For iSCSI, this port must act as either a target or an initiator endpoint. Other transports allow a port to act as both an initiator and a target. InitiatorTargetBoth Initiator and TargetLIn some circumstances, a target port may be identifiable as a front-end or back-end port. For example: a storage array might have back-end ports to communicate with physical disks, and front-end ports to communicate with hosts. If there is no restriction on the use of the port, then the value should be set to 4 - 'Not restricted'.Front-end only Back-end onlyNot restricted:Indicates the current operating status of the target port. Parallel SCSI IEEE 1394RDMAADTA string representation of the vendor defined connection type. This field should only be set if ConnectionType is set to 1 - 'Other'.EthernetIBFCFDDIATM Token Ring Frame RelayInfrared BlueTooth Wireless LANA string representation of the vendor defined link technology. This field should only be set if LinkTechnology is set to 1 - 'Other'.The current bandwidth of the port in bits per second. For ports that vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this property should contain the nominal bandwidth for the port.PAbits/sec4The maximum bandwidth of the port in bits per secondAn array of strings that represent the various network addresses for the target port. The type and format of these addresses depend on the PortType.Indicates the specific mode currently enabled for the port. If the port is logged in, this will be the negotiated port type. Otherwise, the configured port type will be reported.NNLF/NLNxEFFLBG10BaseT 10-100BaseT100BaseTPA 1000BaseT 2500BaseT10GBaseT 10GBase-CX4 100Base-FX 100Base-SX 1000Base-SX 1000Base-LX 1000Base-CX 10GBase-SR 10GBase-SW 10GBase-LX4 10GBase-LR 10GBase-LW 10GBase-ER 10GBase-EWPAA target port represents an instance of an endpoint in a storage subsystem with associated properties for showing and hiding virtual disks. Fibre Channel, Serial Attached SCSI, or iSCSI ports within a storage subsystem controller are all examples of target ports.2The IPv4 address that this portal / endpoint uses.2The IPv6 address that this portal / endpoint uses.KThe mask for the IPv4 address of this portal / endpoint, if one is defined..The port number used by this portal / endpointTargetPortal is an endpoint used by IP based storage networks (such as iSCSI). It provides initiators the IP address for which they should discover target ports on.ZThis field contains the address or unique identifier for the corresponding initiator port.KThis field specifies the type of the identifier used for initiator address.PortWWNHostname SwitchWWN SASAddressThis field specifies the operating system, version, driver, and other host environment factors that influence the behavior exposed by storage systems.-When the corresponding array entry in HostType[] is "Other", this entry provides a string describing the manufacturer and OS/Environment. When the corresponding HostType[] entry is not "Other", this entry allows variations or qualifications of ClientTypes - for example, different versions of Solaris.8Allows the user to delete an instance of an initiator idThis object represents the storage subsystem's view of an initiator port. This is used in conjunction with target port to establish which initiator port is allowed to access to the subsystem's virtual disks.PA Not presentFabric Public LoopFL Port Fabric PortFabric expansion portGeneric Fabric Port Private LoopPoint to Point SAS Expander Operational User OfflineBypassedIn diagnostics mode Link Down Port ErrorPALoopbackgAllows setting the NodeAddress for an iSCSI initiator port by passing an IQN as the NodeAddress string.TThis class represents a Host Bus Adapter (HBA) an initiator port on the host system.@Name is a human-readable string used to identify a storage node.This field is an array of custom identifier for the node. If this field is set, the OtherIdentifyingInfoDescription field must also be set.)Indicates the current status of the node.UpDownJoiningPaused'Represents a storage node in a cluster.4Association between StorageSubSystem and StorageNode&Association between Disk and Partition8Association between StorageProvider and StorageSubSystem(Association between Partition and Volume4Association between StorageSubSystem and StoragePoolPAAssociation between StorageSubSystem and PhysicalDisk. This association should include all physical disks that the subsystem is aware of.4Association between StorageSubSystem and VirtualDisk0Association between StorageNode and StoragePool.1Association between StorageNode and PhysicalDisk.0Association between StorageNode and VirtualDisk.5Association between StoragePool and ResiliencySettinggAssociation between StoragePool and VirtualDisk. This association should only exist for concrete pools.(Association between VirtualDisk and Disk3Association between StorageSubSystem and TargetPort-Association between MaskingSet and TargetPort4Association between StorageSubSystem and InitiatorId.Association between MaskingSet and InitiatorId.Association between TargetPort and VirtualDisk3Association between StorageSubSystem and MaskingSet.Association between MaskingSet and VirtualDiskPAThis field indicates the class of the object which caused the indication. For example: if the object causing the indication is a storage pool, this field should be set to MSFT_StoragePool (not the vendor derived class).qThis field allows the Storage Management Provider (SMP) to provide a brief description explaining the indication.Base storage event indicationNStorage arrival events are used whenever a storage object is added or created.RStorage departure events are used whenever a storage object is removed or deleted.KStorage modification events are used when the underlying state of an object has changed. Not all properties should be tracked (for example AllocatedSize may change so frequently that sending events would be impractical). At a minimum, an event should be sent any time an objects HealthStatus or OperationalStatus properties change.6This field describes the type of alert being received.#Thin provisioning threshold reachedStorage alert event Online AllOffline Shared Offline AllPAOffline InternalDescribes the policy for the files that the automatic data integrity scanner will scrub. 0 - 'Off': No files will be scrubbed. 1 - 'Integrity Streams': Only files with integrity streams will be scrubbed. 2 - 'All': All files will be scrubbed. OffIntegrity StreamsAll@Gets the current state of all storage settings for the computer.uSets the state of various storage settings on this computer. Only the parameters specified will be set on the system.Updates the internal cache of software objects (i.e. Disks, Partitions, Volumes). This is useful if there was extensive change to the storage layout exposed to that computer. XThis class manages various operating system wide settings related to storage management.Association between VirtualDisk and PhysicalDisk. A virtual disk and a physical disk are associated when the virtual disk has data residing on the physical disk.;The point in time that the virtual disks were synchronized.9Boolean indicating whether synchronization is maintained. InitializedUnsynchronized SynchronizedBroken FracturedInactive FailedoverPreparedSkewedMixedRequestedCopyState is an integer enumeration that indicates the last requested or desired state for the association. The actual state of the association is represented by CopyState. Note that when CopyState reaches the requested state, this property will be set to 'Not Applicable.SyncType describes the intended outcome of the replication. Values are: 6 - 'Mirror': create and maintain a copy of the source. 7 - 'Snapshot': create a point-in-time, virtual copy of the source. 8 - 'Clone': create a point-in-time, full copy the source.MirrorClonePAMode describes whether the target elements will be updated synchronously or asynchronously. If NULL, implementation decides the mode. Synchronous Asynchronous Initializing Preparing Synchronizing Resyncing Restoring Fracturing Splitting Failing over Failing backAborting SuspendingRequires fractureRequires resyncRequires activate DetachingSpecifies the percent of the work completed to reach synchronization. Must be set to NULL if implementation is not capable of providing this information.CopyType describes the Replication Policy. Values are: 2 - 'Async': create and maintain an asynchronous copy of the source. 3 - 'Sync': create and maintain a synchronized copy of the source. 4 - 'UnSyncAssoc': create an unsynchronized copy and maintain an association to the source. 5 - 'UnSyncUnAssoc': create an unsynchronized copy with a temporary association that is deleted upon completion of the copy operation.AsyncSync UnSyncAssoc UnSyncUnAssocIReplicaType provides information on how the Replica is being maintained. Values are: 2 - 'Full Copy': This indicates that a full copy of the source object is (or will be) generated . 3 - 'Before Delta': This indicates that the source object will be maintained as a delta data from the replica. 4 - 'After Delta': This indicates that the replica will be maintained as delta data from the source object. 5 - 'Log': This indicates that the replica object is being maintained as a log of changes to the source. 0 - 'Not Specified': The method of maintaining the copy is not specified. Not Specified Full Copy Before Delta After DeltaLogSyncState describes the state of the association with respect to Replication activity. Values are: 2 - 'Initialized': The link to enable replication is established and source/replica elements are associated, but the Copy engine has not started. 3 - 'PrepareInProgress': Preparation for Replication is in progress and the Copy engine has started. 4 - 'Prepared': All necessary preparation has completed. 5 - 'ResyncInProgress': Synchronization or Resynchronization is in progress. This may be the initial 'copy' or subsequent changes being copied. 6 - 'Synchronized': An Async or Sync replication is currently synchronized. When this value is set, SyncMaintained will be true. 7 - 'FractureInProgress': An operation to fracture an Async or Sync replication is in progress. 8 - 'QuiesceInProgress': A quiesce operation is in progress. 9 - 'Quiesced': The replication has been quiesced and is ready for a change. 10 - 'RestoreInProgress': An operation is in progress to copy the Synced object to the System object. 11 - 'Idle': The 'normal' state for an UnSyncAssoc replica. 12 - 'Broken': The relationship is non-functional due to errors in the source, the target, the path between the two or space constraints. 13 - 'Fractured': An Async or Sync replication is fractured. 14 - 'Frozen': All blocks copied from source to an UnSyncAssoc replica and the copy engine is stopped. 15 - 'CopyInProgress': A deferred background copy operation is in progress to copy the source to the replica target for an UnSyncAssoc association. PrepareInProgressResyncInProgressFracture In ProgressQuiesceInProgressQuiescedRestore In ProgresssIdleFrozenCopy In ProgressaCopyPriority allows the priority of background copy engine I/O to be managed relative to host I/O operations during a sequential background copy operation. Values are: 1 - 'Low': copy engine I/O lower priority than host I/O. 2 - 'Same': copy engine I/O has the same priority as host I/O. 3 - 'High': copy engine I/O has higher priority than host I/O. Not ManagedLowSameHighImplementation decidesPAIncremental-CopyDifferential-Copy Copy-On-WriteCopy-On-Access Delta-UpdateSnap-And-CloneBAssociation between VirtualDisk and VirtualDisk Snapshots / Clones/Association between InitiatorId and VirtualDisk/Association between TargetPort and TargetPortalAssociation between a StorageJob and objects affected by the job's operation. Instances of this association should only exist once the storage job has been completed, and should remain for a period of time (recommended 24-hours) after.ISOVHDVHDXCIndicates that the drive letter shouldn't be assigned after attach.&Represents a disk image on the system.SetDiskPA SetPartitionSetPhysicalDiskSetStoragePoolSetVirtualDiskSetStorageTierAddPhysicalDiskRemovePhysicalDiskPrivate methods used for mapping cmdlets to WMI methods. These methods should not be used directly and can change without notice.BSupports transfer of data using tokens across different subystems./Maximum number of tokens avaiable per subsystem*Number of tokens in use for the subsystem.HThis class exposes offload data transfer (ODX) settings for a subsystem.DAssociation between StorageSubSystem and OffloadDataTransferSettings(Association between DiskImage and Volume5Association between StorageSubsystem and TargetPortal;Gets the file integrity information for the specified file..The file to get the integrity information for.The file integrity information.'Scrubs the data for the specified file.The file to scrub.5Sets the file integrity state for the specified file..The file to set the integrity information for.ESpecifies whether or not integrity streams are enabled for this file.FSpecifies whether or not integrity streams are enforced for this file."This class manages file integrity.9The current temperature of the storage device in Celsius.^The maximum temperature in Celsius at which the storage device is capable of normal operation.4Total read errors encountered by the storage device.,Read errors corrected by the storage device.0Read errors not corrected by the storage device.5Total write errors encountered by the storage device.-Write errors corrected by the storage device.1Write errors not corrected by the storage device.,Year and week of storage device manufacture.<Number of start-stop cycles performed by the storage device.=Number of load-unload cycles performed by the storage device.nStorage device wear indicator, in percentage. At 100 percent, the estimated wear limit will have been reached.SLength of time, in hours, the storage device has been powered on since manufacture.+This error is of the type 'Software Error'.4Corresponds to the SMP's StorageProvider.Name field.This field is the message displayed to the user. %1 should be replaced with the corresponding storage provider's Name field. %2 should be replaced with the error message.This error is informative only.QThis field should contain the CIM Object Path to the SMP storage provider object.0ErrorSourceFormat should be the CIM Object Path.PAHThis field denotes the specific error code used for 'Cache out of date'.This field is the message displayed to the user. %1 should be replaced with the corresponding storage provider's Name field. %2 can be replaced with extra error information.DThis field denotes the specific error code used for 'Access Denied'.This field is the message displayed to the user. %1 should be replaced with the corresponding storage provider's Name field. %2 should be replaced with the subsystem FriendlyName. %3 can be replaced with extra error information.CThis field denotes the specific error code used for 'Not in Cache'.DDenotes whether this subsystem supports automatic object clustering.fThis method allows a user to set the SupportsAutomaticObjectClustering field of the storage subsystem.SetStorageSubSystemThis parameter allows the user to specify the FriendlyName at the time of the volume creation. FriendlyNames are expected to be descriptive, however they are not required to be unique. The filesystem's label will also be set to this friendly name.Specifies the file system to format the created volume. Specifying a CSV file system is only supported on a storage spaces subsystem. For CSV the pool must be clusterable and the volume created will be a cluster shared volume.If set to a valid access path, the system will attempt to use this path as a way to access the local volume. If the access path could not be set, or this parameter was left NULL, a new access path will be automatically assigned.Manual-Discovery0This method sets the attributes of the provider.DisabledQThis method is used to flush the cached data in the volume's file system to disk.NVMePassThroughIds is a comma-separated list of all implementation specific keys. It is used by storage management applications to access the vendor proprietary object model. This field should be in the form: key1='value1',key2='value2'.A string that uniquely identifies the entity that owns the definition of the format of the Message described in this instance. OwningEntity must include a copyrighted, trademarked or otherwise unique name that is owned by the business entity or standards body defining the format.Indicates whether this physical disk is partially consumed by a system or service whose use is outside of normal storage pool operations.6Friendly name of the storage tier, defined by the userThis method deletes the storage tier. This method is available only when the SupportsStorageTierDeletion property on the storage subsystem is set to TRUE. If it is set to FALSE, this method will fail with MI_RESULT_NOT_SUPPORTED.Specifies the name of the resiliency setting that should be used when determining the supported sizes. Note that the sizes returned may be different depending on the resiliency setting.This output parameter will contain an array of all of the supported sizes for the storage tier. This parameter may be NULL if the number of supported sizes is large, but is useful for storage tiers that only support a select number of tier sizes.SA user-settable, display-oriented string representing the name of the virtual disk.Indicates the current operating conditions of the virtual disk. Unlike HealthStatus, this field indicates the status of hardware, software, and infrastructure issues related to this virtual disk, and can contain multiple values. Various operational statuses are defined. 11 - 'In Service': describes a virtual disk being configured, maintained, or otherwise administered. 0xD002 - 'Detached': This value is reserved for Windows. This value indicates a virtual disk that is visible to the host system but does not have a disk device object. 0xD003 - 'Incomplete': describes a virtual disk which does not have enough redundancy remaining to successfully repair or regenerate its data.This field indicates how many backing physical disks can fail without compromising data redundancy. For example: RAID 0 cannot tolerate any failures, RAID 5 can tolerate a single drive failure, and RAID 6 can tolerate 2 failures.This field indicates what type of parity layout is being used for parity resiliency settings. This field should be NULL if the virtual disk does not use a parity resiliency setting.,Size of the write cache for the virtual disk$An unexpected I/O error has occurredA snapshot error occurred while scanning this drive. You can try again, but if this problem persists, run an offline scan and fix.fA scan is already running on this drive. Chkdsk cannot run more than one simultaneous scan on a drive.QA snapshot error occurred while scanning this drive. Run an offline scan and fix.Indicates whether the automatic data integrity scanner should scrub files on this volume. True - files on this volume will be scrubbed. False - files on this volume will not be scrubbed.Sets whether the automatic data integrity scanner should scrub files on this volume. True - files on this volume will be scrubbed. False - files on this volume will not be scrubbed.yIndicates the provisioning scheme to use when creating new virtual disks on this storage pool. 0 - 'Unknown': May mean that this information is unavailable, or the storage pool uses a proprietary method of allocation. 1 - 'Thin': Storage for the virtual disk is allocated on-demand. 2 - 'Fixed': Storage for the virtual disk is allocated at the time of virtual disk creation.Denotes the reason why the storage pool is read-only. 1 - 'None': The pool is not read-only. 2 - 'By Policy': The administrator has either requested the pool to be read-only or has enacted a policy on the system that requires the pool to be read-only. 3 - 'Majority Disks Unhealthy': The majority of the supporting physical disks are in an unhealthy state that has forced the storage pool into a read-only state. This method creates a virtual disk using the resources of the storage pool. This method is available only when the SupportsVirtualDiskCreation property on the storage subsystem is set to TRUE. If it is set to FALSE, this method will fail with MI_RESULT_NOT_SUPPORTED. This method is also not supported for primordial pools. Creating tiered virtual disks is available only when the SupportsStorageTieredVirtualDiskCreation property on the storage subsystem is set to TRUE. If it is set to FALSE, this method will fail with MI_RESULT_NOT_SUPPORTED. CreateVirtualDisk requires only FriendlyName and Size to be specified. Sizes can be specified explicitly through the Size parameter, or you can use the maximum available space from the storage pool by specifying the UseMaximumSize parameter. Both FriendlyName and Size are treated as goals rather than hard requirements. For example, not all SMI-S based arrays support custom friendly names; however, the virtual disk creation will still succeed. If the size specified is not achieved, the actual size used for the virtual disk will be returned in the out parameter structure. The usage of this virtual disk can be set using the Usage and OtherUsageDescription parameters. If a value for OtherUsageDescription is given, Usage must be set to 1 - 'Other', otherwise an error will be returned. By default, the resiliency setting applied to this virtual disk will be whatever is specified in the storage pool's ResiliencySettingNameDefault property. This can be overridden using the ResiliencySettingName parameter. Note that the name given here must correspond to a resiliency setting associated with this storage pool. Any other value will result in an error. Individual settings of the resiliency setting can be overridden using the NumberOfDataCopies, PhysicalDiskRedundancy, NumberOfColumns, and Interleave parameters. If these parameters are not used, the defaults from the resiliency setting will be used. These overrides will not persist back to the particular resiliency setting instance; however some storage providers may choose to create a new resiliency setting instance to capture this new configuration. If any of the goals specified in the override parameters are out of range, or are not supported by the storage pool, an error will be returned. The provisioning policy for the virtual disk is determined in a similar way to the resiliency setting. If no preference is specified in the ProvisioningType parameter, the policy is determined by the storage pool's ProvisioningTypeDefault property. If the ProvisioningType parameter is specified, the default is ignored and the value specified will be used instead. Allocation can be further controlled by the PhysicalDisksToUse parameter. There may be certain scenarios where a storage administrator wants to manually choose which physical disks should back the virtual disk. When this parameter is specified, data for the virtual disk will only be stored on the physical disks in this array and not on any others.You must specify the size info (either the Size or UseMaximumSize parameter) or the tier info (the StorageTiers and StorageTierSizes parameters), but not both size info and tier info.Specifies the number of complete data copies to maintain for this virtual disk. If specified, this value will override the NumberOfDataCopiesDefault value that would have been inherited from the resiliency setting specified by ResiliencySettingName.Specifies how many physical disk failures the virtual disk should be able to withstand before data loss occurs. If specified, this value will override the PhysicalDiskRedundancyDefault value that would have been inherited from the resiliency setting specified by ResiliencySettingName.Specifies the number of underlying physical disks across which data should be striped. If specified, this value will override the NumberOfColumnsDefault value that would have been inherited from the resiliency setting specified by ResiliencySettingName.Specifies the number of bytes that should be used for a strip in the common striping-based resiliency settings. The strip is defined as the size of the portion of a stripe that lies on one physical disk. Thus Interleave * NumberOfColumns will yield the size of one stripe of user data. If this parameter is specified, this value will override the InterleaveDefault which would have been inherited from the resiliency setting specified by ResiliencySettingName.GIndicates whether the provider should pick up the auto write cache size,Creates a storage tier template on the storage pool. This method is available only when the SupportsStorageTierCreation property on the storage subsystem is set to TRUE. If it is set to FALSE, this method will fail with MI_RESULT_NOT_SUPPORTED. This method is also not supported for primordial pools.This output parameter will contain an array of all of the supported sizes by the storage pool. This parameter may be NULL if the number of supported sizes is large, but is useful for storage pools that support only a select number of virtual disk sizes.Denotes the health of the subsystem. 0 - 'Healthy': Indicates that the subsystem is functioning normally. 1 - 'Warning': Indicates that the subsystem is still functioning, but has detected errors or issues that may require administrator intervention. 2 - 'Unhealthy': Indicates that the subsystem is not functioning due to errors or failures. The subsystem needs immediate attention from an administrator.Tag is an identifier for the subsystem that is independent from any location-based information. Examples of a tag could be the subsystem's serial number or asset tag.If TRUE, this subsystem supports the ability to create new concrete storage pools from one or more physical disks. If FALSE, either the subsystem uses pre-created storage pools, or it does not support storage pools.TIf TRUE, this subsystem supports the modification of the storage tier friendly name.=Denotes whether storage tiers are supported by the subsystem.3This parameter is used to specify an array of physical disk objects that will be used as the backing data storage for the created storage pool. The physical disks must come from a primordial pool on the subsystem on which you are creating this pool. Only the disks from a single primordial pool may be used.Designates the host operating system or other host environment factors that may influence the behavior the storage subsystem should take when showing a virtual disk to an initiator.PA@Represents a storage array subsystem that exposes virtual disks.lDenotes whether the provider is a stand-alone SMP provider or an SMIS provider that uses the SMIS proxy SMP.7This method gets the tier information for pinned files.4This method is used to pin a file to a storage tier.8This method is used to unpin a file from a storage tier.This is one of two keys required to uniquely identify the partition. This property is identical to the ObjectId field of the disk object that contains this partition. The operating system's number for the partition. Ordering is based on the partition's offset, relative to other partitions. This means that the value for this property may change based off of the partition configuration in the offset range preceding this partition.EThis method adds a mount path or drive letter assignment to the partition. The AccessPath and AssignDriveLetter parameters are mutually exclusive, and will result in an invalid parameters error if both are specified at once. This method adds the access path by creating a mounted folder (also called a volume mount point). Note that mounted folders are supported only on NTFS formatted partitions. This method returns an error if the path specified in AccessPath is a folder that is already in use (even if the directory is empty) or if it contains a path to a non-empty directory.Takes the partition offline by dismounting the associated volume (if one exists). The partition remains offline until explicitly brought online or an access path is added to the partition.2Location contains the PnP location path of the disk. The format of this string depends on the bus type. If the bus type is SCSI, SAS, or PCI RAID, the format is <AdapterPnpLocationPath>#<BusType>(P<PathId>T<TargetId>L<LunId>). If the bus type is IDE, ATA, PATA, or SATA, the format is <AdapterPnpLocationPath>#<BusType>(C<PathId>T<TargetId>L<LunId>). For example, a SCSI location may look like: PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1C00)#PCI(0000)#SCSI(P00T01L01). Note: For Hyper-V and VHD images, this member is NULL because the virtual controller does not return the location path.NFriendlyName is a user-friendly, display-oriented string to identify the disk.yThis property indicates that the computer is configured to start off of this disk. On computers with BIOS firmware, this is the first disk that the firmware detects during startup. On computers that use EFI firmware, this is the disk that contains the EFI System Partition (ESP). If there are no disks or multiple disks with an ESP partition, this flag is not set for any disk.This parameter specifies the partition offset (measured in bytes). If the offset is not aligned and the Alignment parameter is not specified, the offset is rounded up or down to the closest alignment boundary depending on the size of the disk on which the partition is created.\A system set, user-friendly, display-oriented string which describes the resiliency setting.This method allows a user to modify the default values for this resiliency setting.The updated values will take effect only for subsequent virtual disk creations and are not retroactively applied.7Association between StoragePool and PhysicalDisk. Primordial storage pools should retain their association to all physical disks that originated from that pool. This means that if a physical disk has been added to a concrete pool, the disk should have an association with both its concrete and primordial pools.;This field indicates the object that caused the indication.UDenotes the date and time in which the event that triggered this indication occurred.,Denotes the perceived severity of the event from the notifier's point of view. 0 - 'Unknown': The severity is unknown or indeterminate. 2 - 'Information': The event is for informative purposes. 3 - 'Degraded/Warning': Action may be required by the user. 4 - 'Minor': Action is needed, but the situation is not serious at this time. 5 - 'Major': Immediate action is needed. 6 - 'Critical': Immediate action is needed and the scope of the issue is broad. 7 - 'Fatal/NonRecoverable': An error has occurred, but it is too late to take remedial action. Describes the action the operating system will take when a new disk is discovered on the system. When a disk is offline, the disk layout can be read, but no volume devices are surfaced through Plug and Play (PnP). This means that no file system can be mounted on the disk. When a disk is online, one or more volume devices are installed for the disk. 1 - 'Online All': All newly discovered disks are brought online and made read-write. 2 - 'Offline Shared': All newly discovered disks that do not reside on a shared bus are brought online and made read-write. 3 - 'Offline All': All newly discovered disks remain offline and read-only. 4 - 'Offline Internal': All newly discovered disks that do not reside on a shared bus remain offline and read-only.CopyState describes the state of the association with respect to replication activity. Values are: 2 - 'Initialized': The link to enable replication is established and source/replica elements are associated, but the copy operation has not started. 3 - 'Unsynchronized': Not all the source element data has been copied to the target element. 4 - 'Synchronized': For the Mirror, Snapshot, or Clone replication, the target represents a copy of the source. 5 - 'Broken': The relationship is non-functional due to errors in the source, the target, the path between the two or space constraints. 6 - 'Fractured': Target is split from the source. 7 - 'Split': The target element was gracefully (or systematically) split from its source element -- consistency is guaranteed. 8 - 'Inactive': Copy operation has stopped, writes to source element will not be sent to target element. 9 - 'Suspended': Data flow between the source and target elements has stopped. Writes to source element are held until the association is resumed. 10 - 'Failedover': Reads and writes to/from the target element. Source element is not reachable. 11 - 'Prepared': Initialization completed and the copy operation started; however, the data flow has not started. 12 - 'Aborted': The copy operation is aborted with the Abort operation. Use the Resync Replica operation to restart the copy operation. 13 - 'Skewed': The target has been modified and is no longer synchronized with the source element or the point-in-time view. 14 - 'Mixed': Applies to the CopyState of GroupSynchronized. It indicates the StorageSynchronized associations of the elements in the groups have different CopyState values.pProgressStatus describes the status of the association with respect to Replication activity. Values are: 2 - 'Completed': The request is completed. Copy operation is idle. 3 - 'Dormant': Indicates that the copy operation is inactive suspended or quiesced. 4 - 'Initializing': In the process of establishing source/replica association and the copy operation has not started. 5 - 'Preparing': preparation-in-progress. 6 - 'Synchronizing': sync-in-progress. 7 - 'Resyncing': resync-in-progress. 8 - 'Restoring': restore-in-progress. 9 - 'Fracturing': fracture-in-progress. 10 - 'Splitting': split-in-progress. 11 - 'Failing over': in the process of switching source and target. 12 - 'Failing back': Undoing the result of failover. 13 - 'Detaching': detach-in-progress. 14 - 'Aborting': abort-in-progress. 15 - 'Mixed': Applies to groups with element pairs with different statuses. Generally, the individual statuses need to be examined. 16 - 'Suspending': The copy operation is in the process of being suspended. 17 - 'Requires fracture': The requested operation has completed, however, the synchronization relationship needs to be fractured before further copy operations can be issued. 18 - 'Requires resync': The requested operation has completed, however, the synchronization relationship needs to be resynced before further copy operations can be issued. 19 - 'Requires activate': The requested operation has completed, however, the synchronization relationship needs to be activated before further copy operations can be issued. 20 - 'Pending': The flow of data has stopped momentarily due to limited bandwidth or busy system.CopyMethodology specifies what copy methodology the copy engine uses to create and/or maintain the target element. Values are: 0 - 'Not Specified': The method of maintaining the copy is not specified. 3 - 'Full Copy': This indicates that a full copy of the source object is (or will be) generated. 4 - 'Incremental-Copy': Only changed data from source element is copied to target element. 5 - 'Differential-Copy': Only the new writes to the source element are copied to the target element. 6 - 'Copy-On-Write': Affected data is copied on the first write to the source or to the target elements. 7 - 'Copy-On-Access': Affected data is copied on the first access to the source element. 8 - 'Delta-Update': Difference based replication where after the initial copy, only updates to source are copied to target. 9 - 'Snap-And-Clone': The service creates a snapshot of the source element first, then uses the snapshot as the source of the copy operation to the target element.DeviceId identifies the associated storage device. When associated with an MSFT_PhysicalDisk, it will be the same as its DeviceId field. When associated with an MSFT_Disk, it will be the same as its Number field.cMaximum number of start-stop cycles within which the storage device is capable of normal operation.dMaximum number of load-unload cycles within which the storage device is capable of normal operation.StorageReliabilityCounter provides reliability statistics or counters reported by a storage device. This information is dynamic and should be obtained from the storage device whenever needed.Soft error can be returned by intrinsic methods (EnumerateInstances, GetInstance, etc.) to help distinguish between a query with no results (no error) and a query that failed for a specific reason.Size of the tier on the virtual disk. This property is available only when the storage tier is part of a virtual disk. The property is unspecified for pool-level storage tiers.hResizes the storage tier on the virtual disk. This method is not available for pool-level storage tiers.Could not repair the virtual disk because too many physical disks failed. Not enough information exists on the remaining physical disks to reconstruct the lost data.The specified object is managed by the Microsoft Failover Clustering component. The disk must be in cluster maintenance mode and the cluster resource status must be online to perform this operation.The specified object is managed by the Microsoft Failover Clustering component. The disk must be removed from the cluster to perform this operation.>Denotes the minimum OS version that supports this storage poolWindows Server 2012Windows Server 2012 R2 PreviewWindows Server 2012 R2If TRUE, this subsystem supports the ability to create new storage tiers. If FALSE, either the subsystem uses pre-created storage tiers, or it does not support storage tiers.If set to 3, caching for all the registered remote subsystem is enabled. If set to 2, caching for all the registered remote subsystem is disabled. This API only effects the remote subsystem registered and local Subsystem requests are not cached and reported live always.dDenotes the minimum number of physical disks required for creating a storage pool on this subsystem.UDenotes whether this subsystem supports direct creation of volumes on a storage pool.JDenotes whether this provider supports remote registration and management.bDenotes the caching modes this provider supports. The modes are 'Disabled' and 'Manual-Discovery'.%This subsystem is already registered.This subsystem is already registered with another user's credentials. Use the -Force flag to remove the existing registration and add a new one anyway._This subsystem does not support creation of virtual disks with the specified provisioning type.Object Not Found]One or more physical disks are not connected to the nodes on which the pool is being created.AFailover clustering could not be enabled for this storage object.This property indicates how the operating system will proceed with repairing of virtual disks for this storage pool. 2 - 'Sequential': repair will process one allocation slab at a time. This will result in longer repair times, but small impact on the I/O load. 3 - 'Parallel': repair will process as many allocation slabs as it can in parallel. This will result in the shortest repair time, but will have significant impact on I/O load. SequentialParallel8This field represents the manufacturer of the enclosure.8This field represents the model number of the enclosure.GThis field is a string representation of the enclosure's serial number.JThis field is a string representation of the enclosure's firmware version.3Denotes the current health status of the enclosure.+Number of slots hosted within the enclosure Not Installed Not AvailableNo Access AlloweddThis method allows a user to perform certain identification tasks on the enclosure and its elements.If set to TRUE, this instructs the enclosure to enable its identification LED on the specified element. The identification LED should remain enabled until a second call to IdentifyElement on the same element is made with this parameter specified as FALSE.PA9Association between StorageSubSystem and StorageEnclosure4Association between StorageNode and StorageEnclosure5Association between StorageEnclosure and PhysicalDisk>A user-friendly string representing the name of the enclosure.DeviceId is an address or other identifier that uniquely names the enclosure. For example, DeviceId is the enclosure GUID in Storage Spaces provider.0One or more slot numbers provided are not valid.?This method returns the vendor specific data from an enclosure.BThe vendor specific data (page 04h for example) from an enclosure. Not ReportedGThe enclosure does not support identification of the enclosure element.^An array containing the operational status of each power supply of the enclosure. 0 - 'Unknown' 2 - 'OK': The element is present and working with no issues detected. 3 - 'Degraded': The element detected one or more non-critical issues. 6 - 'Error': The element detected one or more critical issues. 7 - 'Non-Recoverable Error': The element detected one or more non-recoverable issues. 0xD009 - 'Not Installed': The element is not present. 0xD00A - 'Not Available': The element is present but has problems. 0xD00B - 'No Access Allowed': No access is allowed to the element. 0xD00C - 'Not Reported' UAn array containing the operational status of each fan of the enclosure. 0 - 'Unknown' 2 - 'OK': The element is present and working with no issues detected. 3 - 'Degraded': The element detected one or more non-critical issues. 6 - 'Error': The element detected one or more critical issues. 7 - 'Non-Recoverable Error': The element detected one or more non-recoverable issues. 0xD009 - 'Not Installed': The element is not present. 0xD00A - 'Not Available': The element is present but has problems. 0xD00B - 'No Access Allowed': No access is allowed to the element. 0xD00C - 'Not Reported' dAn array containing the operational status of each temperature sensor of the enclosure. 0 - 'Unknown' 2 - 'OK': The element is present and working with no issues detected. 3 - 'Degraded': The element detected one or more non-critical issues. 6 - 'Error': The element detected one or more critical issues. 7 - 'Non-Recoverable Error': The element detected one or more non-recoverable issues. 0xD009 - 'Not Installed': The element is not present. 0xD00A - 'Not Available': The element is present but has problems. 0xD00B - 'No Access Allowed': No access is allowed to the element. 0xD00C - 'Not Reported' `An array containing the operational status of each voltage sensor of the enclosure. 0 - 'Unknown' 2 - 'OK': The element is present and working with no issues detected. 3 - 'Degraded': The element detected one or more non-critical issues. 6 - 'Error': The element detected one or more critical issues. 7 - 'Non-Recoverable Error': The element detected one or more non-recoverable issues. 0xD009 - 'Not Installed': The element is not present. 0xD00A - 'Not Available': The element is present but has problems. 0xD00B - 'No Access Allowed': No access is allowed to the element. 0xD00C - 'Not Reported' `An array containing the operational status of each current sensor of the enclosure. 0 - 'Unknown' 2 - 'OK': The element is present and working with no issues detected. 3 - 'Degraded': The element detected one or more non-critical issues. 6 - 'Error': The element detected one or more critical issues. 7 - 'Non-Recoverable Error': The element detected one or more non-recoverable issues. 0xD009 - 'Not Installed': The element is not present. 0xD00A - 'Not Available': The element is present but has problems. 0xD00B - 'No Access Allowed': No access is allowed to the element. 0xD00C - 'Not Reported' \An array containing the operational status of each controller of the enclosure. 0 - 'Unknown' 2 - 'OK': The element is present and working with no issues detected. 3 - 'Degraded': The element detected one or more non-critical issues. 6 - 'Error': The element detected one or more critical issues. 7 - 'Non-Recoverable Error': The element detected one or more non-recoverable issues. 0xD009 - 'Not Installed': The element is not present. 0xD00A - 'Not Available': The element is present but has problems. 0xD00B - 'No Access Allowed': No access is allowed to the element. 0xD00C - 'Not Reported' FThe numbers of the slots on which to enable or disable identification./The given page number has not been implemented.;Denotes the page number for which vendor data is requested.0Represents a manageable physical disk enclosure.QNeither Slab Consolidation nor Slab Analysis will run if slabs are less than 8 MBGDenotes the operational status of the PhysicalDisk on this StorageNode.BDenotes the health status of the PhysicalDisk on this StorageNode..Indicates whether the physical disk uses MPIO.4The MPIO load balance policy being used by the disk. Fail Over Round RobinRound Robin with SubsetLeast Queue DepthWeighted Paths Least BlocksGCollection of MPIO path IDs, reported by the MPIO DSM, when applicable.CThe current state of MPIO paths between the node and physical disk. UnavailableActive/UnoptimizedStandbyActive/OptimizedThe operating system's number for the disk on this StorageNode. Disk 0 is typically the boot device. Disk numbers may not necessarily remain the same across reboot, and are not necessarily the same on different nodes.PA Default sharePA p pX <   There was an error while using the storage provider "%1" with ID "%2". ErrorCode=%3!08lX! The volume was successfully created; however, there were no drive letters available to assign to the volume. hThe operation failed with return code %1!u! %0 HDiscovering provider objects%0 The requested name could not be applied to the newly created object.%0 Windows can't check the disk while it's in use. Do you want to check for hard disk errors the next time you start your computer? @Windows can't check the volume while it's in use. Do you want to dismount this volume first? Note: All opened handles to this volume will become invalid. Scanning%0 Repairing%0 xYou do not have sufficient rights to check this drive. DThe disk is write protected. %1 Volume compression was not enabled because it is not supported for the specified file system. Modifying short file name support is not supported for the specified file system. |The specified file system is not supported on the drive. Windows cannot format this volume. Close any disk utilities or other programs that are using this volume, and make sure that no window is displaying the contents of the volume. Then try formatting again. TThis disk cannot be quick formatted. HThe volume label is not valid. \The specified cluster size is too small. \The specified cluster size is too large. PThe specified volume is too small. PThe specified volume is too large. XThe number of clusters exceeds 32 bits. `The specified UDF version is not supported. The format might take a long time. You should not shut down the computer until the format is complete. A hardware error occurred while formatting this disc. You can try again with a different disc, but if this problem persists, using the Live File System on this drive is not recommended. The Mastered option should be used instead. dWarning, all data on the volume will be lost! Access Denied due to insufficient privileges. This utility must be run in elevated mode. tWindows could not open the volume for direct access. |Windows could not determine the file system of volume %1. $Formatting%0 Volume integrity was not enabled because it is not supported for the specified file system. 4Creating new volume%0 The changes you have requested are not supported on partition %1!u! on disk %2!u! xThis will erase all data on disk %1!u! partition %2!u!. dThis will resize disk %1!u! partition %2!u!. This will modify disk %1!u! partition %2!u! which could result in a disruption of services. This will remove the access path "%3" from disk %1!u! partition %2!u!. dThis will erase all data on disk %1!u! "%2". LThis will modify disk %1!u! "%2". (Clearing disk%0 XThis will remove the StoragePool "%1". Removing a physical disk will cause problems with the fault tolerance capabilities of the following storage pool: "%1". @An operation was attempted on the primordial storage pool which was not supported. This operation might have succeeded for other objects in the pipeline. @Creating new storage pool%0 8Deleting storage pool%0 This will upgrade the StoragePool "%1" to the latest version. This is an irreversible action. This will remove the VirtualDisk "%1" and will erase all of the data that it contains. @Creating new virtual disk%0 8Deleting virtual disk%0 TShowing virtual disk to host system%0 XHiding virtual disk from host system%0 PCreating a virtual disk snapshot%0 HCreating a virtual disk clone%0 8Resizing virtual disk%0 <Repairing virtual disk%0 8Adding physical disks%0 <Removing physical disks%0 pThis will remove the InitiatorID with address "%1". TThis will remove the MaskingSet "%1". @Creating new masking set%0 A unique version of the requested masking set already exists%0 8Deleting masking set%0 4Adding initiator Id%0 4Adding target port%0 8Removing initiator Id%0 8Removing target port%0 4Adding virtual disk%0 8Removing virtual disk%0 8Resizing storage tier%0 @Creating new storage tier%0 8Deleting storage tier%0 4VS_VERSION_INFOD%D%?&StringFileInfo080404B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporationp$FileDescriptionWMI Provider for Storage Managementp(FileVersion6.3.9600.17415 (winblue_r4.141028-1500)>InternalNameSTORAGEWMI.DLL.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.NOriginalFilenameSTORAGEWMI.DLL.MUIj%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.17415DVarFileInfo$TranslationPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADD