MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  @P.rsrc@@8P `xefhjku y8}Ph(@ Xqprstuw~0H`x         ( 8 H X h x           ( 8 H X h x   L0L#T%&0*(0,V1 3P58P;T>HACE$IJ|MZtOLPHR4TThc@[wo MUI en-USȀChoose a digital certificateMS Shell Dlg P'.USysListView32Certificates ListPC^&View Certificate...P2OKP2CancelPP(The website you want to view requests identification. Please choose a certificate.PIdentificationPd=`&More Info...PAȀF\Security AlertMS Shell DlgPvP*This page requires a secure connection which includes server authentication. P* The Certificate Issuer for this site is untrusted or unknown. Do you wish to proceed?Pb@2&NoP@E^&View CertificateP@2&More InfoP-@2&Yes  Privacy AlertMS Shell DlgPP#,"A website has requested to save a file on your computer called a "cookie." This file may be used to track usage information. Do you want to allow this?$P)0 Apply my &decision to all cookies from this websiteP2B2&Allow CookiePgB2&Block CookiePB2&More InfoPB2HelpPWCookie InformationPd$ NameP3c Pq DomainP3p P~# PathP3} P! ExpiresP3 P SecureP P DataDP3(P! 3rd PartyP3 #PX SessionPw $PCompact PolicyDP3(%ȀwInternet Explorer Auto-Proxy Script DownloadMS Shell DlgPHZ2OKP=Due to network or related problems, Internet Explorer could not download your Auto-Proxy Script. Click OK to continue with standard proxy settings.PAȀMS Shell DlgPHa2OKP=Due to errors, Internet Explorer could not execute your Auto-Proxy Script. Click OK to continue with standard proxy settings.PAȀ^Internet RedirectionMS Shell DlgPsJ2&YesP tP$You are about to be redirected to a new internet site.PJ2&NoP$Any information you exchanged with the current site could be retransmitted to the new internet site you are about to connect with. Do you wish to continue?P$;&In the future, do not show this warningȀBSecurity AlertMS Shell DlgP-2&NoP vP% The Internet site you are about to view uses a certificate that has expired or is not yet valid. Do you wish to proceed ?P-E^&View CertificatePZ-2&YesȀ Security AlertMS Shell DlgPvP$%The identity of this web site or the integrity of this connection cannot be verified.P6+The security certificate was issued by a company you have not chosen to trust. View the certificate to determine whether you want to trust the certifying authority.P6O The security certificate has expired or is not yet valid.P6dThe name on the security certificate is invalid or does not match the name of the siteP$,P$PP$eP$ Do you want to proceed?P <&YesP`<&NoP<^&View CertificatePAȀBSecurity AlertMS Shell DlgPZ-2&YesP vP% Revocation information for the security certificate for this site is not available. Do you want to proceed?P-2&NoP-E^&View CertificatePAȀJSecurity AlertMS Shell DlgPo62&YesP62&NoPwP*You are about to send information over the Internet. It might be possible for other people to see what you are sending.P-'&In the future, do not show this warning ȀZSecurity AlertMS Shell DlgPsE2OKPtP*You are about to view pages over a secure connection.P)5&In the future, do not show this warningPE2&More InfoP)Any information you exchange with this site cannot be viewed by anyone else on the web.PA ȀYSecurity AlertMS Shell DlgP8E2&YesPpE2&NoPvP*You are about to leave a secure Internet connection. It will be possible for others to view information you send.P*%Do you want to continue?P*4&In the future, do not show this warningPE2&More InfoȐ,TSecurity WarningMS Shell DlgP?2&YesP?2&NoP?:&More InfoP" Do you want to view only the webpage content that was delivered securely?P" This webpage contains content that will not be delivered using a secure HTTPS connection, which could compromise the security of the entire webpage.PPAȀZSecurity AlertMS Shell DlgPb>2&NoPvP-A secure connection with this site cannot be verified. Would you still like to proceed?P-"The certificate you are viewing does not match the name of the site you are trying to view. P>E^&View CertificateP>2&More InfoP->2&YesȀXSecurity AlertMS Shell DlgPD2&NoPqD2&YesP vP"You are about to be redirected to a connection that is not secure.P""The information you are sending to the current site might be retransmitted to a nonsecure site. Do you wish to continue?-Please enter your authentication information.Subject: %1 Issuer: %2 Effective Date: %3 Expiration Date: %4 Security Protocol: %5 Signature Type: %6 Encryption Type: %7 Privacy Strength: %9 (%8!u! bits)HighMediumLowSubjectIssuerEffective dateExpiration dateSecurity protocolEncryption typeCertificate usage-The certificate you are viewing has expired. MThe certificate is not valid. Make sure the time on your computer is correct.]The certificate you are viewing does not match the name of the site you are trying to view. :This certificate was issued by an unknown security agency.CommentGThis certificate is corrupted, and its authenticity cannot be verified.FTP root at %sFTP directory %s at %s1<A HREF="..">Up to higher level directory</A><BR> Directory1The certificate you are viewing has been revoked. Fingerprint@The security certificate is from a trusted certifying authority.'The security certificate date is valid._The security certificate has a valid name matching the name of the page you are trying to view.Security AlertZThe security certificate for this site has been revoked. This site should not be trusted.You have received a "cookie" (Internet information stored on your computer) from %1 The contents are: %2 It expires on %3 Do you want to accept it? If you click No, the page you are trying to view may not display correctly.Security AlertYesNoEnd of sessionUnknownSSL 2.0PASSL 3.0PCT 1.0TLS 1.0Unknown CipherMD2MD4MD5SHAMACHMACRSADSSRSADES2 KeyTriple DES Triple DESPARC2RC4RC5SEAL Diffie Hellman store and forwardDiffie Hellman EphemeralKEY (Fortezza)SKIPJACK (Fortezza)TEK (Fortezza)(%1!s! with %2!d! bit encryption (%3!s!).%1!s! with %2!d! bit hash key.%%1!s! with %2!d! bit exchange (%3!s!) Unknown HashUnknown Key Exchange Hash type Key Exchange No SignatureDESX Any Key Exchange Hughes MD5 Cylink MEK SHA and MD5SSL3 Master KeySSL Master Hash SSL MAC KeySSL Encryption KeyPCT1 Master KeySSL2 Master KeyTLS1 Master KeyTLS1 PRFOWF HashAES 128PAAES 192AES 256AESSHA 256SHA 384SHA 512 Algorithm %uTLS 1.1TLS 1.27Internet Explorer was unable to export this certificateError exporting certificate7Internet Explorer was unable to import this certificateError importing certificateCancelCertificate Information:This type of document does not have a security certificatePAThe line is busy. No answer.XNo dial tone. Make sure the modem is correctly connected to the computer and phone line.PCould not detect modem. It may be in use, turned off, or not installed properly.3Unable to connect because of a configuration error.Invalid user name or password.&DomainRealmSite: Firewall:_The server %1 is asking for your user name and password. The server reports that it is from %2.The server %1 is asking for your user name and password. The server reports that it is from %2. Warning: Your user name and password will be sent using basic authentication on a connection that isn t secure.Connecting to %1. Connect to %1PALAN ConnectionConfirm use of Proxy Server~Internet Explorer has automatically configured a proxy server for this connection. Is a proxy server used on this connection?The website "%ls" has requested to save a file on your computer called a "cookie." This file may be used to track usage information. Do you want to allow this?NameIssuerInternet OptionsPA MicrosoftWininet Cache TaskPA./x//| ////N/P/b/j/v////##**'11(00( 0 0)PP()PP<)p$pt)DpHp`6KpMp@8 9\9el9d>-4EIY^DN`Q8V!=WBCtf!"g g0INTERNET_ERROR_BASE \No more Internet handles can be allocated 8The operation timed out \The server returned extended information An internal error occurred in the Microsoft Internet extensions 0The URL is invalid `The URL does not use a recognized protocol lThe server name or address could not be resolved xA protocol with the required capabilities was not found 4The option is invalid `The length is incorrect for the option type HThe option value cannot be set xMicrosoft Internet Extension support has been shut down DThe user name was not allowed DThe password was not allowed DThe login request was denied PThe requested operation is invalid HThe operation has been canceled The supplied handle is the wrong type for the requested operation The handle is in the wrong state for the requested operation dThe request cannot be made on a Proxy session TThe registry value could not be found PThe registry parameter is incorrect XDirect Internet access is not available DNo context value was supplied HNo status callback was supplied HThere are outstanding requests PThe information format is incorrect TThe requested item could not be found tA connection with the server could not be established |The connection with the server was terminated abnormally \The connection with the server was reset @The action must be retried DThe proxy request is invalid xUser interaction is required to complete the operation <The handle already exists tThe date in the certificate is invalid or has expired The host name in the certificate is invalid or does not match A redirect request will change a non-secure to a secure connection A redirect request will change a secure to a non-secure connection XMixed secure and non-secure connections @Changing to non-secure post hData is being posted on a non-secure connection A certificate is required to complete client authentication lThe certificate authority is invalid or incorrect xClient authentication has not been correctly installed An error has occurred in a Wininet asynchronous thread. You may need to restart The protocol scheme has changed during a redirect operaiton PThere are operations awaiting retry DThe operation must be retried LThere are no new cache containers A security zone check indicates the operation must be retried TThe SSL certificate contains errors. It was not possible to connect to the revocation server or a definitive response could not be obtained. There is already an FTP request in progress on this session HThe FTP session was terminated LFTP Passive mode is not available LA gopher protocol error occurred HThe locator must be for a file dAn error was detected while parsing the data 4There is no more data 8The locator is invalid lThe locator type is incorrect for this operation XThe request must be for a gopher+ item TThe requested attribute was not found PThe locator type is not recognized PThe requested header was not found |The server does not support the requested protocol level xThe server returned an invalid or unrecognized response PThe supplied HTTP header is invalid \The request for a HTTP header is invalid HThe HTTP header already exists LThe HTTP redirect request failed hAn error occurred in the secure channel support `The file could not be written to the cache dThe TCP/IP protocol is not installed properly PThe HTTP request was not redirected xA cookie from the server must be confirmed by the user tA cookie from the server has been declined acceptance dThe computer is disconnected from the network <The server is unreachable HThe proxy server is unreachable hThe proxy auto-configuration script is in error Could not download the proxy auto-configuration script file xThe HTTP redirect request must be confirmed by the user PThe supplied certificate is invalid \The supplied certificate has been revoked The Dialup failed because file sharing was turned on and a failure was requested if security check was needed pInitialization of the WinINet API has not occurred Login failed and the client should display the entity body to the user @Content decoding has failed Flagged on all WinINet events dealing with creation or destruction of INTERNET handles Flagged on all WinINet events dealing with processing of HTTP requests and responses Flagged on all WinINet events dealing with network operations (TCP, DNS) |Flagged on all WinINet events dealing with authentication lFlagged on all WinINet events dealing with HTTPS tFlagged on all WinINet events dealing with AUTOPROXY pFlagged on all WinINet events dealing with Cookies LFlagged on all WinINet IE events Flagged on all WinINet events dealing with potential personally identifiable information $Response Time Info Start Stop Fail Error Information Verbose @WININET_ROOT_HANDLE_CREATED HWININET_OPEN_URL_HANDLE_CREATED HWININET_CONNECT_HANDLE_CREATED PWININET_HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_CREATED 4WININET_HANDLE_CLOSED DWININET_HANDLE_CREATE_FAILED @WININET_HANDLE_CLOSE_FAILED 4WININET_HTTP_REQUEST 4WININET_HTTP_RESPONSE HWININET_HTTP_CONNECTION_CLOSED TWININET_KEEP_ALIVE_CONNECTION_REUSED TWININET_KEEP_ALIVE_CONNECTION_POOLED TWININET_KEEP_ALIVE_CONNECTION_CLOSED PWININET_HTTP_RESPONSE_BODY_RECEIVED 8WININET_TCP_CONNECTION ,WININET_DNS_QUERY HWININET_NETWORK_CHANGE_DETECTED HWININET_COOKIE_HEADER_RECEIVED 4WININET_COOKIE_STORED 8WININET_COOKIE_DELETED 8WININET_COOKIE_BLOCKED @WININET_COOKIE_P3P_REJECTED TWININET_COOKIE_REQUEST_HEADER_CREATED HWININET_COOKIE_ADDED_TO_HEADER HWININET_AUTH_RESPONSE_RECEIVED LWININET_AUTH_CLIENT_SETS_USERNAME LWININET_AUTH_CLIENT_SETS_PASSWORD HWININET_AUTH_USING_CACHED_CREDS LWININET_AUTH_USING_DEFAULT_CREDS HWININET_AUTH_CLIENT_ADD_HEADERS <WININET_HTTPS_NEGOTIATION HWININET_HTTPS_SERVER_CERT_ERROR PWININET_HTTPS_SERVER_CERT_VALIDATED PWININET_HTTPS_CLIENT_CERT_REQUIRED TWININET_HTTPS_CLIENT_CERT_UNAVAILABLE PWININET_HTTPS_CLIENT_CERT_SELECTED @WININET_HTTPS_RENEGOTIATION <WININET_AUTOPROXY_SEARCH 8WININET_AUTOPROXY_DHCP 4WININET_AUTOPROXY_DNS @WININET_AUTOPROXY_DOWNLOAD PWININET_AUTOPROXY_FIND_INFO_FOR_URL 0WININET_TEST_EVENT \WININET_BLOCKING_AUTOPROXY_DETERMINATION ,WININET_TRANSFER 8WININET_AUTOPROXY_SWPAD 8WININET_REQUEST_HEADER 8WININET_RESPONSE_HEADER HWININET_REQUEST_HEADER_OPTIONAL `WININET_AUTOPROXY_PERFTRACK_HOST_IP_LOOKUP \WININET_AUTOPROXY_PERFTRACK_SWPAD_LOOKUP `WININET_AUTOPROXY_PERFTRACK_KNOWN_DETECTION dWININET_AUTOPROXY_PERFTRACK_UNKNOWN_DETECTION `WININET_AUTOPROXY_PERFTRACK_SCRIPT_DOWNLOAD HWININET_AUTOPROXY_PERFTRACK_ALL TWININET_HTTP_RESPONSE_BODY_READ_ERROR DWININET_STREAM_DATA_INDICATED <Microsoft-Windows-WinINet <Microsoft-Windows-WinINet Session handle %1 created: UserAgent=%3, AccessType=%5, ProxyList=%7, ProxyBypassList=%9, Flags=%10 Handle %1 created by InternetOpenURL: SessionHandle=%2,URL=%4, Headers=%6, Flags=%7 Handle %1 created by InternetConnect: SessionHandle=%2, Server=%4:%5, %7, Flags=%8 Request handle %1 created by HttpOpenRequest: ConnectionHandle=%2, %4, Target=%6, Ver=%8, Referrer=%10, Media types=%12, Flags=%13 DHandle %1 closed successfully pFailed to create handle: ParentHandle=%1, Error=%2 PHandle %1 failed to close: Error=%2 Request handle %1 Server Details: Server=%3 Port=%4 Service=%6 tHTTP request was received from API: RequestHandle=%1 HTTP request was sent successfully: RequestHandle=%1, SocketHandle=%2, %4, CookieSent= %5 dHTTP request send failed: Handle=%1, Error=%2 HTTP response (%1) received: RequestHandle=%2, SocketHandle=%3, %5, ContentLength=%7 \HTTP response failed: Handle=%1, Error=%2 HTTP connection (Handle=%1, SocketHandle=%2) closed due to the following reason: %4 Keep-alive connection is re-used: ConnectionHandle=%1, SocketHandle=%2 Connection is returned to keep-alive pool: RequestHandle=%1, SocketHandle=%2 Keep-alive connection is closed: ConnectionHandle=%1, SocketHandle=%2 tHTTP response entity body received: RequestHandle=%1 \HTTP Request Headers RequestHandle=%1 %3 \HTTP Response Headers RequestHandle=%1 %3 tHTTP Request Headers OptionalData RequestHandle=%1 %3 WinInet::Http response entity body receive failed: Request Handle=%1, Error=%2 TCP connection to server %2 established: ConnectionHandle=%3, SocketHandle=%4, LocalPort=%5 TCP connection to %2 for connection handle %3 failed: Error=%4 pTCP connection closed successfully: SocketHandle=%1 dDNS query for %2 hostname is sent: Handle=%3 DNS query for %2 hostname is complete: Handle=%3, Addresses=%5 tDNS query for %2 hostname failed: Handle=%3 Error=%4 Re-used DNS cache, query for %2 hostname is complete: Handle=%3, Addresses=%5 \A network change was detected: Handle=%1 pReceived response including a cookie header: URL=%2 Client has stored a cookie in the cookie jar: Domain=%2, Path=%4, Name=%6, Value=%8 Client has deleted a cookie in the cookie jar: Domain=%2, Path=%4, Name=%6, Value=%8 Client has rejected a cookie sent by the server: Domain=%2, Path=%4, Name=%6, Value=%8 Server cookie was rejected by the client's P3P policy: Domain=%2, Path=%4, Name=%6, Value=%8 pA cookie header was created for the request: URL=%2 Cookie added to the request header: Domain=%2, Path=%4, Name=%6, Value=%8 Auth response received: RequestHandle=%1, Scheme=%3, IsProxy=%4 pClient sets username: RequestHandle=%1, IsProxy=%2 pClient sets password: RequestHandle=%1, IsProxy=%2 xUsing cached credentials: RequestHandle=%1, IsProxy=%2 xUsing default credentials: RequestHandle=%1, IsProxy=%2 Client adds authorization headers to an HTTP request: RequestHandle=%1, Scheme=%3, IsProxy=%4 hClient begins SSL negotiation: RequestHandle=%1 SSL negotiation between client and server has completed successfully: RequestHandle=%1 pSSL negotiation failed: RequestHandle=%1, Error=%2 Error validating server certificate (SCHANNEL error): RequestHandle=%1, Error=%2 Server certificate validated: RequestHandle=%1, CertHash=%3, WarningFlags=%4 Server requires a client certificate for client authorization: RequestHandle=%1 There is no client certificate available: RequestHandle=%1 The selected client certificate will be used for the SSL transaction: RequestHandle=%1, CertHash=%3 lClient begins SSL renegotiation: RequestHandle=%1 SSL renegotiation between client and server has completed successfully: RequestHandle=%1 tSSL renegotiation failed: RequestHandle=%1, Error=%2 Client begins attempts to locate the WPAD configuration file: ConnectionName=%2, DetectFlags=%3 Begin search for configuration file using DHCP: Interface=%2 WPAD configuration file found using DHCP: Interface=%2, ConfigurationURL=%4 Search for WPAD configuration file using DHCP failed: Interface=%2, ConfigurationURL=%4, Error=%5 Begin search for configuration file using DNS: DetectFlags=%1 WPAD configuration file found using DNS: ConfigurationURL=%2, DetectFlags=%3 Search for WPAD configuration file using DNS failed: DetectFlags=%1, Error=%2 pSearch for WPAD configruation file failed: Error=%1 Begin downloading the configuration file from the configuration URL: ConfigurationURL=%2 Client successfully downloaded the configuration file from the configuration URL: ConfigurationURL=%2 Downloading the configuration file from the configuration URL failed: ConfigurationURL=%2, Error=%3 The downloaded configuration file could not be used: ConfigurationURL=%2, MIMEType=%4, Error=%5 pSearching for Proxy Information for the URL: URL=%2 Client has successfully retrieved proxy data for accessing a specified resource: URL=%2, ProxyString=%4 Error locating proxy information for the URL: URL=%2, Error=%3 \Blocking autoproxy determination started \Blocking autoproxy determination stopped HWinInet Activity Transfer Event lAutoProxy SWPAD Decision (%1) NumConnections (%2) LAutoproxy host IP lookup started LAutoproxy host IP lookup stopped HAutoproxy SWPAD lookup started HAutoproxy SWPAD lookup stopped \Autoproxy Detection with SWPAD ON started \Autoproxy Detection with SWPAD ON stopped hAutoproxy Detection with SWPAD UNKNOWN started hAutoproxy Detection with SWPAD UNKNOWN stopped LAutoproxy Script Download Started LAutoproxy Script Download Stopped HAutoproxy full scenario started HAutoproxy full scenario stopped Requested URL=%1 Verb=%2 RequestHeaders=%3 ResponseHeaders=%4 Status=%5 Cache=%6 ,Scavenged URL=%1 <WPAD_NETWORK_DECISION_OFF <WPAD_NETWORK_DECISION_ON DWPAD_NETWORK_DECISION_UNKNOWN Missed Hit (Stale-Modified ,Stale-NotModified HTTP SPDY3 4VS_VERSION_INFO @% @%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationdFileDescriptionInternet Extensions for Win32v+FileVersion11.00.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)8 InternalNamewininet.dll.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.HOriginalFilenamewininet.dll.muiDProductNameInternet ExplorerFProductVersion11.00.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDING