MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  <PC)@(;.rsrc@<@@((@   0 H `x?@ 8HXhx0($h(X-0384>?ACGtMUIF^jyG d does not contain any text or tags!-<P> inside of <LN> --> Ignoring possible VAL!E<OPT> inside <LIST>: Converting to <P> Hint: Add <OPT> around <LIST>.Ignoring PROPNAME="%s".@<RULE> does not support ACTIVE attribute: use <EXPRULE> instead.'<EXPRULE ACTIVE=0> not implemented yet!Ignoring tag <%s>./Internal error. State node has no transitions.PA%The grammar accepts the empty string!XML Parser internal error: %s.XML parsing error: %s.%Incorrect attribute "%s" in tag <%s>.(Incorrect value "%s" for attribute "%s".Unsupported word type "%s".Incorrect word delimiter "%s".4Tag <ID> needs to be a direct child of <DEFINE> tag.*Invalid value "%s" for tag <ID NAME="%s">.<The value of MIN (%s) has to be equal or less than MAX (%s).*The content of a <PHRASE> cannot be empty.)Missing required attribute "%s" for <%s>.)Redefinition of <RULE NAME="%s" ID="%s">.(Redefinition of <ID NAME="%s" VAL="%s">. %s must be a direct child of %s.PAUnknown tag <%s>.5Cannot use attributes "%s" and "%s" at the same time.:Invalid rule reference to <RULEREF NAME="%s" REFID="%s"/>.BInvalid name string "%s" for referencing an imported grammar rule.,Missing property name for property "%s"(%s)."Missing value for <ID NAME="%s"/>.NID name "%s" cannot contain any spaces, which would lead to errors in #define.mIncorrect value "%s" for attribute "%s": consider using VALSTR or defining the value using <DEFINE> and <ID>.HThe direct children of <LIST> cannot contain an optional element (<%s>).)<OPT> implies that MIN="0", not MIN="%s".Missing closing tag for <%s>."<RULE NAME="%s" ID="%s"> is empty.TThe PRON="%s" attribute can only be used for a single leaf containing a single word.TThe DISP="%s" attribute can only be used for a single leaf containing a single word.QCustom pronunciation via PRON and DISP attributes only for single words not "%s".AIncorrect pronunciation delimiter "%s"; must be single character.PAIncorrect word format for "%s".&Incorrect attribute "%s" for tag <%s>.ICannot combine complex word format "%s" with DISP and/or PRON attributes.5<%s> is a terminal node and cannot have any children.2Compiler requires Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher.6Ambiguous semantic property PROPNAME="%s" PROPID="%s".%s)Undefined forward reference to rule "%s."Rule "%s" has no body.JExported rule "%s" contains (direct/indirect) reference to a dynamic rule."Unable to write grammar to stream. Rule "%s" has no required words.,No rules are toplevel, dynamic, or exported.0Infinite loopback in rule "%s" is not supported.Error writing to stream.CRule %s has no terminating condition/path with less than 256 words.=Unable to determine the value for attribute "%s" in tag <%s>.%s Found at line %u, column %u.$Unable to initialize SAX XML Reader.%The XML element <%s> is not expected.EUnrecognized value "%s" for the "%s" attribute . Valid values are %s.9The file version is not supported, expected %s, actual %.%s, error code = 0x%.8X.N[%s] is an invalid string of phoneme symbols in %s alphabet for language 0x%X.J[%s] is an invalid string of phoneme ids in %s alphabet for language 0x%X.>The %s is too long. Max length is %u, but actual length is %u.8The <%s> element must contain one or more <%s> elements.cThe <%s> element must contain one or more pronunciations (either by <alias> or <phoneme> elements).The <%s> element must be empty.!The <%s> element cannot be empty.&The requested data (%s) was not found.vThe <%s> element must designate and belong to a namespace defined to be "%s" via an "xmlns" or xmlns-prefix attribute.PA4More than one "%s" child is under the same "%s" tag.0"%s" tag needs to be the last child of "%s" tag.HCompiler requires msxml3.dll or higher to process output tag and script.8The "%s" attribute value of the "%s" element is invalid.4The name of child element of "%s" shouldn't be "%s"."Empty element "%s" is not allowed.0The tag name "%s" is invalid for rule expansion.ZThe ruleref is ambiguous by using more than one of the following attributes: uri, special.WEither "name" or "http-equiv" attribute, but not both, is required in a <meta> element.Empty 'rule' is not allowed.BThe token string is not allowed to contain double quote character.DToken string with custom pronunciation can't contain multiple words.Invalid double-quoted string.+Dynamic rule "%s" cannot be root or public.%Pronunciation string cannot be empty.Invalid language "%s".-Multi-lingual voice grammars are unsupported.Redefinition of rule "%s".Root rule "%s" is undefined.PA!Rule reference "%s" is undefined.)Character content is not allowed in "%s".&Invalid version number. Expect "1.0".Invalid rule name "%s".5Invalid rule reference. Must specify uri or special.2<one-of> must contain at least one <item> element.%Element contains too many attributes.Unrecognized namespace "%s".J<lexicon>, <meta>, <metadata>, global <tag> must be defined before <rule>.&Element name "%s" cannot start with $.,Value of attribute %s must be a simple type.CRepeat count out of range. Expect 0 <= min (%u) <= max (%u) < 256.HThe name of the root element in the grammar must be "grammar", not "%s".#Invalid property value format "%s".@Invalid required confidence. Expect "high", "normal", or "low".Bad word format.PAEmpty 'subset' is not allowed.9The 'subset' element is not allowed to have sub elements.Display string cannot be empty.RCircular references. An item with a repeat count cannot contain only tag elements.1The value of the xml:id attribute must be unique.IA phone converter is not installed for the language whose LCID is 0x%.4X.?Rule with a NULL name is not allowed when using 'semantics/1.0'"Array size too large (%u > 65535). ck(WYt  zPPA)Version number not valid. Expected '1.0'."'xml:lang' element not valid. (%s)URI:%sWrong language name: '%.*s''%s' attribute not valid.'%s' attribute not valid. (%s)1'%s' attribute in '%s' element is not valid. (%s)'%s' requires attribute '%s'.R'voice' requires attribute 'xml:lang' or 'gender' or 'age' or 'variant' or 'name'.XML parser error4'sayas' requires attribute 'interpret-as' or 'type'.0generic ssml syntax error at line %d, column %d.,'%s' attribute in '%s' element is not valid.+'%s' SSML element cannot have content '%s'./SSML input not valid; cannot find '%s' element.F'prosody' requires attribute 'pitch, contour, range, duration, volume'7duplicate speak element is found at line %d, column %d.'%s' element not valid.PAt4VS_VERSION_INFO%@%@?StringFileInfo080404B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation6FileDescription APIn'FileVersion5.3.16421.00 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)2 InternalNamesapi.dll.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.B OriginalFilenamesapi.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating System> ProductVersion5.3.16421.00DVarFileInfo$TranslationPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGX